Dear MIM Readers: “Could this my abusive husband be ….?”

I am a mum of a 15 months-old baby. I gave birth through normal delivery. Sex with hubby is great, peneratration takes time except when I’m extremely wet. I understand my body perfectly.
There was this day we made love we both climax and went to wash up, he didn’t return to the room and I went to look for him only for me to see him masturbating. I was so shocked and pretended not to see him. I kept asking myself if it was normal.
The wanking continued. He started doing it right in the bedroom when I’m asleep. The movement usually wakes me up. When I turn, he’ll quickly stop. I had to hide the lubricant I saw in the bathroom, yet it continued. The only time I confronted him was when I saw his singlet soaked wit sperm, he just kept quiet. The funny thing is, he makes me believe he’s not sexually active, doing it once is his way but later wakes up at night to wank.
Three weeks ago, I fell sick he had to take me to the hospital. On our way back we had an argument and he punched me right in my face. The impact made my baby to slip from my hand. Immediately he saw the baby was on the car floor, he got out and started punching me. My teeth started bleeding, and people rushed to save me. When I saw someone would be able to identify me, I left the scene and went straight to his father’s house. They weren’t happy with what he did and strongly condemned his actions and told him to apologise, which he did reluctantly.
Meanwhile, it wasn’t his first time, he hit me in February and locked my baby and I in the room then went out. We had a family meeting in February, he was told never to hit me again. I was so bitter because my two teeth was at the verge of pulling off, I decided I was done with the marriage coupled with his constant embarrassment in public and wanking habit, I packed some of my stuff and came to my parent’s house.
His family reached out to me. I got a call from his sister’s hubby, we talked about how to make the marriage work and I shouldn’t quit because a child is involved. That was when I asked him if it’s normal for a man that has a wife to masturbate, he was surprised and said no. He told his wife about it and she asked her brother, he didn’t deny it and gave her some reasons to justify his actions. He said my body isn’t as it used to be before I took in and he perceives an odour. I laughed because it’s funny since I use vaginal wash. Then she went on to say don’t I think there is something on ground. Standing firmly to justify this shameful practice.
I’m beginning to suspect him. He has this friend they grew up together. He was even an issue when I got married. They would lie and eat together. He told me he prefers the guy to me and that he’s the only one who gives him joy. He hates women, that all women are prostitutes. It was an issue when he learnt we were expecting a girl. He said it is not by giving birth, what matters is giving birth to the right sex. He goes as far as meeting our gate man no matter how dirty or smelling the room is to massage his back and pick hair from his body. Though my mind is already made up, I just want your opinion on this?
Woman leave that man before he kills you and yes he is gay.
Hmmm apart from been abusive and he does it in public as well which is totally unacceptable and disgusting he is also a guy. He is just with you cos he can’t openly say his sexuality. Please give him a break and if he comes to beg tell him all you noticed and make him take responsibility after which you can reconsider but for now he needs a break.
Honestly, I’m short of words in this case.
Pure and applied gay.GOD IS UR strength
Kai, what a disgusting ars*hol*,sorry for insulting him but imagine masturbating&his singlet being soiled. Hmm, well the truth is that he has a dirty sexual life . even if he is not gay then b sure he is into porn&sleeping wt call girls.then coupled with abuse that is not the kind of marriage I wl advice any lady to b in.pls leave him b4 he kills you or infect u wt a dangerous infection.
hmmmmmm… gay husband… giving flimsy xcuses. that man is wicked,hez lost his senses
Pray pray pray it’s well with u
Pls run for ur dear life dat man is a homosexual is very clear he hates women he jst married u to cover up he never loved u
It’s clear as crystal that he’s gay & doesn’t enjoy sex with women. To think that he goes to the gateman’s room to massage him is unheard of. May Jesus fix this.
Horror movie! He is not only seemingly gay, he also has a sex addiction. If he was willing to change and is remorse I would have said work on your marriage. But this man isn’t willing to change.. leave that marriage before it kills you or turns you mad.
1.Masturbation:Your husband is addicted to this act n u know one thing about addiction;it takes determination and God’s grace to stop it.Dnt blame itself because he didn’t start after therefore means that no matter d acrobatics u perform in bed,he can only be satisfied by wanking.
2.Domestic violence:No much talk on that.lf u love ur life n d well being of ur baby,please flee.If he kills u,life continues n u know what that means for ur baby.
3.Homosexuality:Your hubby is obviously gay.Too bad u saw this before marriage but chose to ignore it.The bitter truth is that ur hubby only married you to cover his lifestyle from his family and society.I’m sorry but at this point u have to make a decision that will favour you n ur baby regardless of what people say.Take control of ur life.You can’t please everyone.
some women are going thr a lot.madam u try, his character is disguting. He need deliverance, who wil do dt #it’sonlyGod
This is really sick and twisted. So sorry u r going through something as horrifying as this.
Aside d fact of him been abusive and gay, he also seems to have some weird fantasies that r yet to b satisfied,hence my concern is d safety and innocence of ur daughter. Even she may not b spared from ur hubby’s twisted fantasies. LEAVE D MARRIAGE. Soak urself with d word and things of God and raise ur daughter. D Lord is ur strength
He is gay simple. Just move on before its too late
This one pass heterosexual o!
Because he is gay also and I’m sure he could dodo animals too…
Chai animal
Your hubby is obviously gay and he has said things to you that should clear your doubts about him. Abusive marriage is what I can never advice anyone to put up with, save yourself and your child.
He’s gay so pack your things and leave before he kills u
Leave the marriage before you he will take
your corpse to your parent.
And someone here is saying pray pray pray. Women when will some of u learn to give reasonable advice? Someone is in an abusive n all u say is pray? My dear stay put where u re n move on wt ur life period. Let the stupid man pray for himself
My dear move on wt ur life
ur huby is a bisexual.or leme say a he doesn’t enjoy it with u.secondly…u should never stay in an abusive ur child n hard n give ur child d best life…
Woman going ur narratn,u married a GAY! Leave wit it if u can or beta still MOVE ON!
Thank God you’re sensible enough to make the right decision. Leave and don’t look back.
The bad thing about homosexuality is the belief that those that practice it were born that way. God’s plan of sex involves a man and a woman in a conjugal relationship. Don’t walk away without exposing this terrible evil to those that can help him- a sound pastor. If he accepts godly counsel there could still be hope, but if he defies it, then you have to move on with your life. Living with a man who’s gay means you are living with a human possessed by the spirit of the anti Christ, it’s living in total defiance to the Almighty God, and consequences are eternal. Stay away from him for now, for your safety, and your baby’s. If he accepts spiritual help he’ll ask for you, if he doesn’t accept the spiritual help, pls stay on your own, work hard to be independent, God will help you.