See What Woman Did To Ease Labour Pain And Give Birth Successfully

A mum has revealed how dancing through her labor pains helped her overcome the intense pain in the delivery room and give birth successfully.
The Mirror reports:
Yuki Nishizawa was determined to keep dancing through her contractions, no matter how painful they became but she didn’t realize that she was also going to become a viral video star in the process and Yuki has now revealed exactly why dancing helped her get through the intense labour of her second child.
She told WCVB TV: “[Having] the positive energy kept me going and dancing, dancing to the music – it’s something that I love to do”
Yuki’s husband Connell Cloyd added: “There was no theatrics it was just my wife dancing, some jokey commentary and look what we have now. The baby is here, he’s healthy and we can move forward as a family.
Baby Koji was born happy and healthy in a hospital in Boston on August 18, weighing 6lbs 15oz. But right now, he’s too little to know how famous his birth has become after the video of his mother in labour has been viewed more than 300,000 times on social media.
Yuki can be seen energetically dancing while clearly suffering from contractions in the delivery suite.
A nurse even looks on in amusement as the expectant mum busts out moves such as “the tootsie roll” and “the butterfly”. As she stifles nervous laughter she suddenly exclaims: “My waters are breaking! My waters are breaking!” but she continues to dance regardless.
Connell said “I know I shouldn’t be laughing but she wanted to be famous so this is how you do it: do the tootsie roll while in labour.”
that’s good.. my elder brother’s wife does that too,she dances,she jumps she does all manner of exercise at that point.. she gives birth successfully so i quiet agree with this article
wow…This is interesting
Wow this goes to show that exercise is good during labor.
Wao! Wat a great tips am going to try it as my feotus has reach to term.
Good for her…. It doesn’t work for everybody oh so don’t ever try it if u don’t have the stamina period.
Exercise is good but doing this while contracting is a big No for me oh. What worked for her might not work for B
Wow….. This is so cool.
Saw this on a blog, congratulations to her on the safe arrival of the baby.
I saw this before& have already taken the challenge, lol
Wow its funny tho congrats to her
Really cool! I watched dis on CNN.
She’s got stamina. Wow can’t even imagine what she was going through while dancing.
No be smal tin oo
Na wa,No be smal tin oo
wow great…
Dancing is a good exercise, it makes every part of body function well, congrats.
Yeah even if you can’t dance,mere rocking ur body back n forth especially when you are on all fours suffices
I do love dis style at least it’s better Dan shouting and felling irritable. I do compose and sing songs during labour. Bt after watching dis, I will hv to add dancing to it.
Lollll congrats 2her
I don’t think the contractions are really painful like mine.
Hahah dats funny congrats to her