DEAR MIM: Should I Marry My Baby’s Father Considering All These?

I’m a single 26 weeks pregnant mum. My baby’s father and I would have been married before now but things didn’t work out as planned. When I became pregnant, he told me to terminate the pregnancy because he doesn’t have a decent job yet but I refused.
When I was 8 weeks gone, I found out we were both AS genotype. I was really scared me but still couldn’t bear aborting the baby. The problem now is that he doesn’t support me financially at all. I have been the only one footing the bills.
During the Christmas celebration, I was admitted at the hospital and really had no cash at hand to pay my bills. I told him but he just neglected me at the hospital. I had to call his mum before money was sent across to me to be discharged.
His parent later arranged to meet my parents and told them they will be coming to pay my bride price after I give birth. I love him and apart from this recent hiccup, he had previously actually been there for me. Still, I’m really confused on what next to do. Is marrying me his wish or his parents’? Should I just continue taking care of myself and our baby all alone and forget about him? I really don’t want a broken home for my child because I’m from one and know how hard it is.
Please I need your godly advice on how to tackle this issue. It’s eating me up.
Please follow your heart coz you know him better.
I don’t know what to say, it might turn out good or the other way round
This is when you need him most,when he should really ‘be there’.It’s clear he is not ready for marriage but that shouldn’t stop him from being responsible.Even if he is an angel,l would not advise you to marry him because of your(both of you)genotype.The risk is just too high.Let him just be a father to this baby and that’s all
Don’t marry him.
Hand everytin to God cause from the look of tins he’s not ready n been AS is nt adviceable even a doctor will tell u nt to marry AS cus one day de love go turn sour.
Please AS plus AS is not a good match.
don’t marry him until you’re sure he wants to marry you and not been forced by his parents
Please for the sake of your genotype and unborn children,do not get married
Delicate,follow ur heart.mistake has already been made.
Put the arrangement on hold till u give birth nd see how he treats u and ur child;medically its not advisable to get married to him
The only thing u should be worried abt is having a baby wit the SS genotype. That seems to be the least of ur worries. If a man isn’t ready for marriage, a baby won’t make he brace up. Let alone having a sick child. Don’t go into marriage because u need him, it should be d other way round. Anyways u know wat u can handle, weigh ur options and take a decision
Pls don’t marry him. If it’s d money to take Kia of ur self,i know you can always sort ur self. Bt ds Genotype Wahala will be too much a burden to bear wen d problem starts.
Pls b warned.
Let him be your baby father but no to marriage because of d genotype
Abi o. Don’t marry him so that u won’t cry later
Don’t marry him..His parents are coming to pay your bride price for their own interests, they want the baby..Don’t make the mistake beside medically you guys are not fit to be husband and wife, cos you both are AS..consider your children pls
But u should have though of ur polygamous home b4 agreeing to keep d child. As far as he didn’t accept it in d forst place its a sign that d marriage may not end up well.For u to find out about his genotype after getting preggy shows that u didn’t really know much about d guy u are dying to marry. Pls for the sake of ur future and dat of ur baby, don’t marry him ooh, he’ll obviously treat u bad
Think of your unborn child first
The situation is a little complicated because of your genotype is medically not advisable and the life’s of your kids are involve here, plz think twice before you make the decision of marrying him. Biko
The two groups are so incompatible
Marrying him is not a good idea
its better to b single and b a miserable married woman.ur child would grow up worse dan if u were a single parent.if he doesn’t want u or to b married to u.leav him alone n tk cr of ur own baby. simple
iam aa and i need a single mothet, marry me pls
That’s why I tell ladies to protect themselves because they bear to lose and the consequences more. Don’t marry him if it’s not his wish or u will be miserable for the rest of the marriage
Hey girl am in the same boat as you..abandoned by the one who claims love when a pregnancy became candid advice for you is just be his baby mama and not his WIFE..he deserted you in your most trying times(that’s a sign) moreover your genotypes ain’t’s going to be a miracle for your baby not be SS..please forget about love and think of your future kids..this one will forgive you for ignorance but trust me your other kids wil never forgive you for knowingly ruining their lives..if you have wver had someone close to you with the SS genotype,then you will understand better..those kids go through’s not easy on them neither is it financially,emotionally easy on the parents..please secure the health of your future kids..let this baby daddy go..God will bring your way a husband that will love and cherish you who won’t desert you in your time of need and who is going to have an AA genotype(cos girl that’s what you really need)