How To Create A Sleep Routine For Your Baby

Are you having a hard time getting your baby to snooze at night? You are not alone as this is a common problem. The older a baby gets, the less they sleep and invariably begin to experience a change in their sleep pattern. What you need to do is create a routine that your baby can comfortably settle into using these helpful tips…
FEED ME: Make sure your baby is well fed before laying him down to sleep for the night. It’s recommended to feed your baby with breast milk or a warm bottle of milk at night.
DON’T overfeed or lay him down without a burp.
CLEAN & DRY: Do ensure that your baby is clean and dry before laying him down for the night. It is advisable to change baby’s diapers every four to six hours. This keeps him comfortable while sleeping.
DON’T allow your baby to sleep in damp clothing and in a crib full of stuffs.
CONDUCIVE SLEEP ENVIRONMENT: Do ensure that the temperature of baby’s room is rather cool than warm. The basic guideline is that a baby can sleep safely in a room that is comfortable for a lightly clothed adult.
DON’T place hard, sharp objects, or stuffed toys in your baby’s crib.
SLEEP WEAR: Use proper sleepwear for babies. Baby sleep wear should be soft, fire-retardant, preferably cotton. Avoid overdressing a baby. A light onesie and sleeper are sufficient for most babies.
DON’T place your baby to sleep in any garment with loose strings, loose threads, like nightgowns or robes. Parents who co-sleep should also remove strings from their garments. This can wrap around a baby’s neck or finger and cause injury. Avoid buttons on clothing as these can present a choking hazard.
GOOD SLEEP HABIT: Do create a sleep routine for your baby. You’ll be amazed at how fast your baby will adapt to this routine. Set out an appropriate time for your baby to observe his siesta. It is interesting to know that you can help your baby to distinguish between night and day when he is about two weeks old. Do so by playing with him when he is awake in the day.
Create a daily routine or habit before bed time routine such as bathing, feeding, reading, etc.
DON’T allow your baby to sleep most of the time during the day, as this will upset his night routine, keeping him and you awake for the most part of the night. Avoid playing with your baby at night when it is almost time for bed because you want to calm him down.
It is generally believed that when babies are tired, they easily fall asleep. This notion is true to an extent but not so true because it is harder for an overtired baby to settle to sleep and is also more likely to wake up during the night. So, if you notice the signs of tiredness with your baby, give the baby a warm bath and put him to bed earlier than usual. It can take as long as half an hour to wind down after a particular hectic day.
Some mums share on what worked for them…
Keju Plumpter, mum to Zahira, 4 months old:
First, I make sure that she is clean and fed, then I put her to bed and let her talk herself to sleep. Sometimes, when she gets really fussy, I rock her to sleep.
Amaku, mum to Shedrach, 12 months old:
Since I am still nursing, I get my son to sleep by simply breast feeding him. Sometimes, my sister who lives with me slowly rocks and sing softly to him to get him to sleep.
Debola, mum to Tiffany, 12 months old:
Sleep? This madam? Well, I try a number of methods including putting her on the back, but lately, the most effective has been taking her to bed, turning off all lights, making sure that the room is cool i.e turning on the air conditioner, lying beside her and holding her with a pacifier in her mouth and then singing to her……..sleep will come. If she’s really tired, she drops off to sleep within minutes, if she isn’t, it might take fifteen to twenty minutes. Most time, whichever one of us takes her to bed between her dad and I, we fall asleep with her. I know Tiffany likes the bonding. If we don’t do this, she can go on playing for a whole hour.
Becky Salako, Mum to Delta, 7 months old:
Every child sleeps soundly after a good bath. My daughter loves her night bath, a little massage and a warm bottle of milk. It is so magical how she sleeps off once I put her to bed. I try not to be playful as she settles in, just a hug. For this to be effective, I follow a strict routine of bath time, food time, play time and sleep time, and this works for me.
Thanks for sharing this lovely piece. My daughter doesn’t like sleep at all, up-till now she stays awake most of the time at night, especially when she’s had afternoon nap.
Noted MIM. My cousin needs this. She’s having difficulty making her baby sleep. Thanks for sharing.
Tnkx MIM for sharing
Thanks MIM but no matter how my children sleep during the day, they still sleep well in the night.
Nice one ooooo. Thanks MIM.
Noted!!!!! & √√√√√
Thanks for this tips
Thanks mim
tanx mim
My baby sleeps all night and only wakes up to feed and goes right back to sleep.How she knows the difference between night and day still baffles me
It all works best. Sometimes patience is a must, or I would say should always be. Thanks for sharing this very useful tips. It is never easy to be a parent.