Dear MIMsters: It Looks Like My Husband Does Not Want This Marriage Anymore

I never pictured that I would be so unhappy in marriage. From the start, my marriage plagued with one cheating episode or the other. My so-called-husband would even tell that me he owes me no apologies.
It really sucks and so heartbreaking. There was a time he even brought his mistress to our home while I was at the hospital with my sick baby.
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I’ve treated infection several times, still I find it very difficult to confide in anyone. I had another really heart tearing experience when I found out that he has a son who is older than my first child but he claimed he never knew about it. I only found out when I saw a conversation between him and the baby mama. Just few days after I found out, he invited her to a family gathering where my mum was in attendance and I saw his love son shouting, “I want to go and meet my daddy.”
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Even though I was shattered, I acted calm so my mum won’t suspect anything. And the latest? We just moved into our own house and all of a sudden, he started sleeping on the floor leaving me to sleep alone on the big mattress. When I asked him why, he said because he’s hot. Even when it is obviously cold, he will still be on the ground. I saw he wasn’t comfortable with me and was only giving me the green light. I told him that if he continues to sleep on the floor, I will move to the guest room. Guess that was actually what he wanted.
Last night, I moved to the guest room and when I returned from work, he had removed my remaining belongings and dropped them in the guest room. I thought, wow, his heart desire has been granted. He came to me and said in a lovely voice that I should come and carry the mattress instead of sleeping on the floor. See how he reasons? I was quiet cos I was so short of words. What does my husband really want? To me, it doesn’t look like he still wants this marriage
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Hmmm I think what is missing in this marriage is communication.It’s either both of you sit down and have a heart to heart talk where you ask him direct questions and demand he should be honest with you no matter what it is.Alternatively,seek the services of a marriage counselor
Of course he doesn’t want the marriage. What are you still doing in a place you are not welcomed? Treating different stds. You better leave before he infects you with the one that has no cure *God forbid it * he is just a liar and a cheat. If you choose to remain, then stop sleeping with him or get him to use a condom.
D hand writing is clear
Action speak louder than words
This man get heart ooooo
hmmmn.i no get answer
Something is not just right. Maybe he wants to bring in his baby mama in. So read between the lines and move on. Its well dear. God will see you through.
Maybe u r waiting for him to give u HIV/AIDS before ur eyes will open. Abeg receive sense IJN. Amen
Lord have mercy
I tire o, if you love him don’t give him space.
He has already said want he want is u that is not responding
May God have mercy on marriages.
I think it’s his money that you love and that was why you married him in d first place or didn’t you know he was a liar n a cheat before saying yes? Maybe u saw it but was desperate or maybe u forced ya self on him. Women sef. Use a CD or better still abstain. His baby mama might come soonest n he js wants u to go. But if it wasn’t this way at d beginning then u both need counselling n Jesus. Peace
He isn’t worth your time and patience. Move on before he infects you with something deadly… worst still, kills you cos truth is he’s fed up with you.
He’s not interested in the marriage anymore. Let him be for now please.
It may be that he has a GRAVE disease that he’s very scared of passing on to you.
exactly what I am thinking, he might have discovered he has one grave disease and he didn’t want to infect her
Dear he is still your husband, may be he needs space.. That house is yours no matter what. do’nt give the him that space to bring his baby mama to that house. Still show him love, speak with him calmly and one day he will come back to his right sense… Pray always for him and God will do a new thing in your marriage. Stay bless and think wise.
u should see dat he still love his first son’s mama
My sis. Happiness is personal. when others fell to make u happy, make Ursula happy.
Comments have been made…Communication is the only remedy….First the communication between you and God through prayer, get a war room in your home ,marriage is a field of war you need a weapon and that is prayer….Divorce is never an option , love him more, be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove…get a confident, precisely an elderly married woman …don’t die in silence…Love his son too but remember this you cant love if you don’t have love ..GOD IS LOVE…
from ur writeup nd from wat i av previously seen i ll put it to you that his heart has gone back to his first baby mama nd there is notin u can do to gain it back xcept prayer, so if you re not gud in prayer, i ll advice u to start preparin to leave cos d baby mama is around the corner.
He is an hrtless man but I will advice u nt to leave ur matrimonial home for an intruder stay try n talk to him communication matter n hand other to God true prayers but avoid sleeping with him for nw!
Marriage z for BETTER FOR WORSE… conclusion cannot b made without hearing from d 2nd party… Mayb there z something u doing, he finds disgusting n he ought u to no without been told.. Are u still d pretty lady he met before marriage or the fashion freak!!! Do u give him adequate attention or u push them all to ur kids.. Are u still dat encouraging lady?? D fact he has a child b4 u got married to him n he didn’t let u no.. should weight u down.. leave wat happened yesterday for d past n focus on ur tomorrow which z ur future… Lastly, A WISE WOMAN BUILDS HER HOME WHILE A FOOLISH WOMAN SCATTERETH.. Pray also to God
Very stupid advice.
My dear i once had a husband whom i gave in everything a man wants in woman infact i waa even more sexiest dan i was as a single girl even after two kids many men out were crawling to get me bt i was a lady dat i hated infidelity bt yet no matter how i try to pls my man it was a problem i tried till i get tire and i seek for a divorce bt dat was wen he regreted and began to plead wt me to return bk to his house so at times u need to fight in prayers from a far home so dat he can know ur worth
Na wah for men oooo