Nigerian Orphan Rescued at Sea in Immigrant Boat to be Adopted by Italian Doctor

An Italian doctor, Pietro Bartolo taking care of a Nigerian orphan baby girl he rescued after she lost her family in the ship that capsized in the Mediterranean, has decided to be her adoptive father.
According to reports, the baby, Favour arrived on the Italian island of Lampedusa after being rescued off the coast of Libya without her parents who are believed to have died in the accident.
The boat she was in capsized on Tuesday, tipping its 120 passengers into the water. Dozens of passengers were pulled alive from the water, but many suffered serious burns from fuel that ignited a fire, while others died in the process.
The 9-month-old Nigerian girl touched the heart of the Italian Doctor, who was caring for her after he rescued her.
Bartolo found the young child shivering on the rescue boat and took her back to his clinic where he gave her some milk and dry clothes. Since then, he says she has charmed him so much that he wants to continue caring for her.
“I’ve asked to foster her, I want to keep her with me forever,” Bartolo said.
“She is a marvellous creature, she hugged me, she didn’t shed a tear.”
Favour will not be Bartolo’s first foster child. Five years ago, he also took in a 17-year-old Tunisian boy.
Favour has been handed over to the authorities who will decide the child’s fate.
Photo credit: Italian media
Awwwww a doctor with a good heart.
So nice of him
Good Samaritan
Good for him
Oh my such a good heart
Awww very kind of him
God bless him.
Kind man
awwww so sweeet
Good man
She’s lucky