Mum of Two Borrows £8,500 to Have Plastic Surgery & Gets Terrible Results

A mother of two who took a huge loan just to fix her sagging breasts has ended up getting the reverse of what she really wanted.
Dailymail gathered that the woman, Kayla Cole who spent £9,000 ($18,000 AUD) on a surgical procedure to correct her sagging breasts says the operation has made her breasts ‘worse than ever’ and ruined her life.
The mum of two, from Byron Bay, in New South Wales, is so ashamed of her post-op breasts that she’s been hiding them beneath baggy, unflattering clothing ever since her botched surgery.
The 26-year-old decided to get breast implants 4-years ago after breastfeeding caused her boobs to drop from EE’s to an uneven, saggy B and C-cup.
Kayla was so embarrassed by her sagging breasts, which she said looked like ‘sacks of skin’, that she went to obtain a loan of more than £8,500 ($17,000 AUD) for implants to make her a size C.
However, three months after surgery, she says her breasts were still uneven – and since then, one implant has started to fall through her breast pocket towards her chest. So she sought a second opinion from another plastic surgeon, who pointed out 11 problems with her new breasts including the implants being spaced too far apart, different sizing in her nipples and scarring.
Kayla was billed £2,500 (€5,000 AUD) to correct her boobs and make them symmetrical but has been unable to afford the operation as she is still paying off her initial surgery.
Since then she has been hiding her breasts and regretting she never had implants as the surgery has ruined her life.
Kayla, a hairdresser, said:
”I didn’t get surgery so that I could be the blonde girl with the massive fake boobs, I just wanted for them to look normal and natural but it all went horribly wrong.
”I can see the implant ripples on both breasts, one sits lower than the other, one is firmer than the other and that’s just from what I can see.
”My scarring is really bad now and I can see all the edges of the implant around my breast and can feel them shifting down, falling out of my breast pocket.
”As time has gone they have only got worse. There are so many problems with them, it’s been a nightmare.”
Furthermore, she confessed she only wears ‘high tops and t-shirts’ now, as she doesn’t like people seeing her uneven cleavage.
”My confidence went from zero to rock-bottom after the surgery. I’m so self-conscious now because I know my boobs are deformed.
‘I’ve had a lot of anxiety because of them and must have shed a thousand tears, I still struggle to look at them in the mirror.
”All I wanted was normal, natural sized boobs after they were saggy and different cup sizes from breastfeeding, now they’re worse than ever.
”After breastfeeding my boobs went from a massive EE to a B and a C-cup, they were like saggy sacks of skin.”
She says the sagging was so bad that she even tried to hide them from her partner of 9 years, Martin, 33 because since the surgery she is ‘more self-conscious than ever.”
”If I could take it all back I would,” she added.
At three months, Kayla first raised concerns about her surgery when she went for a check up but was told that the size difference between her breasts was due to swelling and bruising from surgery.
Months later, the problems were getting worse. Desperate for answers, Kayla sought a second opinion from another plastic surgeon. The surgeon, who wishes to remain anonymous, identified 11 problems which he says were caused by poor cosmetic surgery and are likely to get worse with time.
Kayla said: ”My surgeon has taken no responsibility at all and has blamed the problems on me putting on a few pounds, which after consulting another surgeon is not the problem.
”I called up many lawyers to try to take my surgeon to court, but I’m not in a financial position to pay. I have two young children, a business and I’m still paying off my initial surgery costs.
”When I took the loan I was 21 years old on benefits, and was able to borrow £8,500 (17,000 AUD) – it kills me knowing every week I’m still paying off surgery that ruined my boobs.”
Now Kayla is sharing her story as a WARNING to others, in the hope that they won’t suffer the same problems she has.
She said: ”I was quick to get surgery so the one thing I would say to others is just make sure you do your research and read all of the reviews available for the company.
Don’t just read one or two, or only the positive ones, because it can all go wrong.”
Photo credit: Caters News Agency
Eya I feel her pains. After spending all that money and for what? Can’t she sue the doctor that did it? This is just wrong.
hmmmmm serious…
Good, she realize her mistake
People should learn to love themselves
She should sue the hospital and get huge money off them
Hmmm… sorry o!
Noooo comment
Too bad. Sorry ehn
She doesn’t even have the money to remove them. Like I usually say padded bras were made for saggy boobies. Why not pack them in and look sexy instead of risking your life
Oyibo wahala too much jaree