Amazing! Meet Blind Mum of Ten Who Cooks & Does Other Chores By Herself

According to Dailymail, Heather McIntyre, who is a blind mom of ten, cooks and does other household chores all by herself.
She lives in Australia with her 56-year-old husband Garry and their ten children.
McIntyre was born with Congenital Cataracts, a condition which has left her almost completely blind for most of her life and five of her ten children were born with the same condition and are blind.
The 41-year-old super mum who gave birth to ten amazing children can cook, do laundry and wash all by herself. Her guide dog assists her too.
The woman who is now dubbed ‘a super mother’ for her outstanding abilities is living a life many people envy.
Her grocery shopping, with the help of her trusty guide dog Marjee, is done by feeling her way around the fruit section and cooking is achieved on an oven adorned with braille cheat notes.
When cooking large family meals, McIntyre requires no help in the kitchen, insisting it is merely ‘her job’ to feed her family.
‘I’m happy to do it. I wouldn’t make them help, they’re children. And it’s my job,’ she said during an interview on Sunday, balancing her youngest child, 15-month-old Myfawny, on her lap.
McIntyre and Garry pay for the family’s medical bills with their income and through Medicare but say they receive no other help.
‘We met when I was working in telemarketing, a typical blind person’s job. Back then no one cared about political correctness so I couldn’t get a job as a secretary or bookkeeper.’
A year after she welcomed her 3rd child, she underwent surgery to allow her to see colours in certain light.
‘I don’t know what my children’s faces look like but I can feel them and I know what kind of people they are from their lovely personalities but having Kirima, my first baby who I could see colours with was just amazing.
‘If we went into the sun and she was wearing pink I could see some of it.’ Desperate for another child, McIntyre got pregnant again two years later, this time with twin boys.
‘It was the best day of my life finding out.’
Despite financial limitations and her health problems, the cheerful mum is eager to continue growing their family and seeks no glory in her efforts.
‘I know it sounds really strange but I didn’t ever see myself as having a disability.
‘It’s society that says it’s a disability, not me. For the children, things like at school when they can’t do sports it makes me feel really sad.
‘One of the girls was sent home with a book that didn’t have braille so I got one of the others who can see to read it to me and I put braille on it. I thought “I’m not sending that back to the school to have to wait, I’ll just do it”.
‘But we just cope. As a family, it’s just what you do.’
Photo credit: Heather/Garry McIntyre Facebook
Amazing! Very inspiring
Wow she’s a super woman. God bless her for her family.
She is indeed a super mum. Sad that 5 of her kids inherited the blindness
She’s a one of a kind kinda mom.
She’s amazing!
Super mum
thats great