Dear MIMsters: Are These Enough Reasons To Quit My Marriage?

Are these enough reasons to quit my marriage?
I married quite young at 22. It has always been my dream to do so. However, I compromised on my values and principles when I was almost through with University and there was no ‘ideal’ suitor in view.
I married my husband because I had always dreamed and prayed about marrying early and as a virgin. So in a desperate bid to fulfil my dream, I married him. I was not attracted to him, neither did I think he was suitable, the only thing we had in common was religion and a mutual desire for marriage. He’s 16 years older and quite comfortable too.
We have been having issues and despite ‘our’ resolve to make the marriage work it has not been easy due to the following reasons…
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1. There’s a huge intimacy gap between us and although we know it requires a lot more to achieve intimacy, we have been trying but so far, without success. It’s nothing like what we both desire.
2. We do not work as a team because he does not carry me along in making decisions. This makes me feel like an outsider. It is also painful to me that I bring nothing to the table, in terms of advice or money. I feel totally disconnected.
3. He cheats and believes that he can’t change because men are polygamous. This makes our sex or any form of intimacy irritating to me.
Are these enough reasons to quit my marriage? Even though I may have rushed into getting married, am I forever doomed in this marriage? We have two children and it turns out that we’re both AS. To be the fair, the mistake was mine as the lab that I used when I was younger mixed up the result.
It is well, just take time and understand him
Don’t quit yet. Communication they say is key. Talk to him about your feelings and see.
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Hmmm complicated. For me the problem lies in the last 2:adultery(and seeing nothing wrong with it) and incompatible genotype. The 1st 2 can be sorted out with love
Maybe you two should go for marriage counseling.
you in the best position to ans
Hmmmm, okay
As for me No: First, u already have children with him not knowing his genotype. Let him know that as his wife, u have d right to be carried along in making decisions cos two cannot work unless they agree. Adultery, put it in prayer. God help u.
I just have a question. Didn’t you guys date? And if yes for how long. Anyway communicate more with him and pray really hard. God help you.
My sweetheart marriage is not a license to heaven we are in the same shoes and I think the best thing to do is to quit, u r still young, if he brings any diseases from aside u will be there to suffer it with him. So be wise
The only reason u can leave ur marriage is if their is a threat to ur life like domestic violence! Trust me the errors have been made and leaving
won’t erase them! U both have to work on ur intimacy level so he won’t stop using it as a reason to cheat! U can also get a job so u can start contributing!
So sorry for your ordeal. However let God lead in all your decisions. If anything at all the marriage shouldn’t suffer rather get a job and make yourself useful. Shalom