Update: 18 year Old Girl Snatched at Birth Reunited With Biological Parents

Just recently, news about an 18 year old, Kamiyah Mobley, who was abducted at birth surfaced online (read here). The issue led to the arrest of Gloria Williams, 51, her abductor, with Kamiyah, coming to her defence.
Kamiyah, was finally reunited with her biological parents Craig Aiken and Shanara Mobley, in a meeting that is said to have lasted close to an hour.
Her 41-year-old biological father while speaking with Daily mail, revealed that ‘the first meeting was beautiful. It’s a feeling that you can’t explain.’ He added:
“It was the best day of my life. It was a beautiful, beautiful day. We are so happy. I hope the world is rejoicing with us. We didn’t talk about the kidnapping. It’s going to be hard for her to turn this into a positive. She’s got very mixed emotions about the woman who raised her. But we are going to be there for her, this is just the start of a wonderful future.”
As the trio were soaking the moment in, they posed for selfies, with birth mum Shanara, looking close to tears and filled with happiness at finally being with her daughter after almost two decades.
Williams, who was arrested on charges of kidnapping and interference with custody is said to face life in prison if convicted. She is said to have suffered a miscarriage a week before committing the act.
Photo Credit: Daily mail
Thank God for her atlist her parents are alife
Awwwwww she looks so much like her mom.
It’s really going to difficult for her to adjust, but this is a step in a right direction.