Baby’s Growth & Development Milestones: 1-3 Months
Your baby’s growth in the first three months is usually rapid. Most of them reach certain milestones at similar ages, but this isn’t exactly guaranteed. A baby who raised her head first, might be the last to sit up unassisted amongst her peers. Expect your baby to develop at his or her own pace. There are however, certain developmental stages that every baby should cross at a certain age.
Birth to 1st month
The first few days with your baby can seem like you are caring for a lump of flesh that just eats, sleeps, poos and repeats the same cycle. However in a few weeks, baby will be able to:
- Lift or turn head from one side to the other while lying on her stomach
- Responds to familiar sounds such as your voice or daddy’s voice
- Stares at, and follows familiar faces
- Can see black and white patterns
2nd Month
At this stage, your baby’s eye sight and language skills are beginning to develop and mature.
- Vocalizes sounds like gurgling and cooing
- Follows objects
- Holds head up for short periods
- Smiles responsively and laughs
- Baby might reach for you when he or she needs attention, security or comfort
- Movements become smoother
3rd Month
By now, you’re basking in the warmth of your baby’s delighted smiles! Your 3-month old actively enjoys playtime now.
- Laughs and smiles easily
- Holds head steady, might need a little assistance
- Recognises your face and scent easily
- Squeals, gurgles, coos
- Recognises your voice
- Does mini push-ups
- Turns towards loud sounds
- Can bring hands together and may bat at toys
- Can roll over
Remember that every child grows at their own pace, even if your child does not reach these expected milestone developmental stages, it does not mean that he or she is slow. To be on the safe side however, check and confirm with your doctor.
Thanks MIM
COOL. Thanks for the update
thanx mim
Thanks for sharing MIM.