The 5 Stages Of Relationship Between a Mother & Her Daughter
by Moyin Kalu
February 28, 2017

The love and connection between a mother and her daughter is priceless. It comes with a lot of tears and effort from both women. We took the time out to break down what the 5 stages of a relationship between a mother and her daughter are, find out more below:
1. The beginning years
There are few things more wonderful than holding your baby girl for the first time.
- You begin to know how to care for her. Mothers often remark that true, unconditional love is a concept that isn’t understood until you’ve had a child, especially a female child.
- Identify her natural tendencies. Is she shy, or extroverted? Is she a home person, or does she thrive outside the front door? What sounds does she respond to? Colors, smells, and sights? Is she fiercely independent, or does she crave emotional and physical attentiveness?
2. The Idealization Stage
At this stage, probably the post-toddler phase, your girl is going through emotional changes.
- Many daughters are in awe of their mothers. They find hem beautiful and incredibly wise.
- It is also within this phase that a daughter’s fear of becoming separated from her mother becomes realized, enhanced, and intense. This is because the are used to having mummy around for everything, it is crucial in this time to begin offering your daughter a taste of independence
- Allow her to make decisions on her own, but ensure that you, remain the primary force of love and authority in her life.
3.The Pre-teen Years
From roughly eleven to thirteen years old, those little girls who refused to be away from you now begin to separate emotionally, physically, and mentally.
- Daughters begin to identify more with their peers than their parents, relying on their peers’ opinions more than their mother’s.
- It is at this stage that these young women start to see the cracks in their mother’s personalities, as nobody is perfect.
- During this stage, girls become increasingly aware of the opposite sex, at times, making daddy more important than mum
- At this stage, make it clear that your daughter is not to cross the line of respect and obedience. This may involve discipline and explaining why you are doing so.
4. The Adolescence years
Parents often say that getting through teenage years are the most trying and exhausting. Bear in mind that your daughter is experiencing a lot of emotions that are primarily due to hormonal changes. She wants to fit in, get ahead, look great. It’s important for mothers to control their temper in this phase.
- This is another stage where children are learning to separate themselves emotionally from their mothers. Teenagers often see their mothers as being old fashioned or ‘out of it.’
- They often overreact and act out.
- During their teens, daughters want you to hold them tight, but they also want you as far away as possible.
- Refuse to engage in senseless arguments, but firmly explain that what she’s feeling is entirely normal and inevitable.
- Offer advice, but most importantly, set boundaries—and stick to them.
5. Early Adulthood
This is the university or college years, and many young women confront the same pressures they faced in high school, only on a much grander scale.
- She’ll attempt to carve out an existence unlike you, at the same time seeking your approval.
- The greatest lessons you can teach your daughter during these years are the significance of self-respect, self-esteem, ambition, and perseverance.
- The greatest satisfaction during this phase? Reclaiming the bond you shared before adolescence hit, and witnessing the brave woman she’s becoming.
Am so scared of that adolescent stage.
Nice one
Nice. Thanks for sharing.