8 Things Husbands Should Be Doing for Their Wives On a Regular Basis
Being a great husband starts and ends with how you treat your wife to a large extent. She probably started out with you when things were not as rosy, and she’s still there with you. It goes deeper than satisfying her with gifts or money. Life can make it easy to forget how important these things are, here are 8 things husbands should do for their wives on a regular:
1. Cuddle with her
Physical connection between men and women are so different. There are various ways to be intimate apart from sex, so keep her needs in mind. Keep in mind – all women love to cuddle!
2. Don’t expect your wife to “owe you” sex
Sexual intimacy is crucial in a happy marriage. Do not make your wife feel like she owes you sex. This can easily take the intimacy and the romance out of it.
3. Bring home dinner
It is the Nigerian custom for the woman to take care of dinner every night, for the rest of her life if possible. Whether it’s been a hectic day for your working wife or house wife, sometimes the last thing she wants to do is sweat away in a kitchen. Give her a night off every once in a while. Bring home some takeout or cook for her.
4. Be a gentleman
Don’t stop wooing your wife. When you were chasing after her, you did everything like a gentleman, now that you’re married, you pushed that away and became the ‘husband’? No! Always be a gentleman to her, let her always remember why she chose you.
5. Compliment her
You think your wife is beautiful, you think she’s funny, you think she’s smart, you think she is sexy even after the 3 kids and all the stretch marks? Tell her. Women take pleasure in hearing these things. A slight touch here and there would raise her self-esteem too.
6. Pray for and with her
A good husband prays for his wife daily. A great husband prays with her.
7. Date her
Dating does not need to be expensive or fancy. Whether it’s a movie or a night in after the kids are in bed, keep “dating” a consistent part of your relationship.
8. Appreciate her
Often times, a wife and mother’s work may go unnoticed. How? You come home to a messy living room? she probably cleaned it 3 times after your toddler spilled her food, that can be hard to tell and see. Make a conscious effort to appreciate the things you see and do not see.
Tell them oh MIM.