Dear MIMsters: He Broke My Heart After Five Years Because of a Prophecy

I dated a guy for five years before he broke my heart. I loved this guy with all my heart, not for money as he had very little but I put up with him. Allow me say I’m the best girl a guy could ever ask for in his life. I am not bragging.
Last year, this guy started acting up, becoming more like a stranger to me. I questioned him severally to find out what had changed but he kept saying he’s fine.
In August last year, he told me that a prophetess told him that she can see the strong bond and love between us but we aren’t meant for each other, so, he decided to end it. Meanwhile, in that period, I noticed he had started communicating a lot with another girl.
I felt like I was tied with a heavy chain and thrown into an ocean. I cried and even suggested we pray, fast and improve ourselves spiritually but this guy said there’s nothing he can do. The funniest part is that he usually doesn’t believe such prophesies so I was confused and died inside. My family knows this guy and his family knows me too.
Last month, this guy came back begging that he wants me back. He said that he has realised his mistake after receiving a lot of counsel from people and is no longer scared of the prophesy. He said that he’s losing his sanity, can’t do without me, wants me to be his wife and bear his children … Lol.
I still like him. After we broke up, we still kept in touch but I don’t love him anymore because I’ve moved on. I had to feel my heart with hatred for him as a way of coping with the heartbreak and to enable me move on. Sometimes I think of what we shared as we were really best friends, not just lovers and I liked it.
I want your advice. Should I accept him and try to love him again or continue my life without him?
I hope if you give him another chance he won’t break your heart again. I suggest you move on without him. There was no prophecy in the first place. He started seeing someone else and left you for her. She probably isn’t what he wants in a woman or she left him and he realizes there’s this one person that will always love him and he decides to come back.
Please don’t settle for a leftover, let him go and amend his mistake with someone else.
Please don’t accept him back as he can’t eat his cake and have it.
He broke up with you because of the other girl not because of any prophecy. He is now tired of her and wants to stage a come back.
He is not reliable and can put up with any act if you marry him. God will provide you with your man if you patiently seek his face.
Move on dear,a broken relationship filled with distrust is better than a broken marriage.if you eventually get married to him and marriage challenges start,i hope another prophetess won’t show up to prophesy against the marriage?that will be more disastrous.
please is not too late accept him back nobody is perfect
My dear,u hv already moved on so keep moving.if he really loved u, he wud hv tested d spirit behind dat prophesy.
It was just an excuse t push u away n now it has failed him,he wants u bk.
Why don’t u accept him back since u know him than any other… The beautiful moments u shared ll flash back to you even when u marry. Remember ur first love. How I wish I had got this opportunity.I experienced the same, I quit n moved on but now I wish I was with the other that I broke up with
It’s quite obvious that you still have feelings for him but you are only scared he will hurt you again if you give him a second chance. The truth is you will never truly know unless you decide to give him another chance.
If you do decide to give him another try, thread carefully, love with your heart as well as your head. I wish you best of luck.
I suggests you give him a second chance, nobody is perfect and the fact that he realized his mistakes and still came back shows remorse. If he did not love you that much I think he would have started a new life with another girl because of the shame. There are cases i wouldn’t want you to reconsider him such as distrust and the likes as I am a victim of those. But in this case someone could be mislead. And out of ignorance could accept it. I will advice u consider him back but with carefulness and start building your love life again as it may affect the good once.