Dear MIMsters: Is My Hubby Just Being Nice or Does He Have a Hidden Motive?

I have a 10 year old house help who is neither my relation nor my husband’s. In my own little way, I try to make the girl feel at home considering her age because hubby and I agreed to take her as our daughter so I have been nice to her. However, the turn of events is making me question if my husband has a hidden motive.
My problem is that since the two years that I have been married to my husband, he has never shouted at me. But because of this little girl, I have had two major quarrels with my husband to the extent of him refusing to eat my food. The first time that this happened, I never took it seriously, but this second time broke my heart.
I found out that this girl has been hitting my baby’s head on the ground. I was in the shower when I heard the sound of my baby’s head hitting the floor loud and clear. My baby cried like never before. This is not the first, second, third nor fourth time. In the past, I would correct her and show her the right way to carry her but on this particular day, I noticed a nonchalant attitude and scolded her but I have never beaten her. I have never reported any of this incidences to my husband.
Immediately my husband came back, the girl started sobbing and he asked her what the problem was, then I reported her to him. The only thing he could do was console her and out of anger, I told her to tell me if she is tired of staying that I will gladly take her back home. It was as if my husband was waiting for me to pour out his anger. He started shouting at me, that I am opposing his decision in the house, that I am suppose to keep quiet after he has consoled and pet the girl. For the first time, our neighbors heard our voices quarrelling & arguing. That night, he refused to eat my food and didn’t speak to me for two days until I apologised.
I want to know this: is my husband trying to play a good father to her or is does he have any other hidden motive?
Well if am in your situation, the girl would be in her parents house by now. Or are you waiting for her to kill your baby for u before u send her home?Am a FTM with an 11 month old baby and my marriage is less than two years too. After what I went through to have my baby, I wont let anyone mistreat her whether deliberated or not.
You apologized to him after he undermined you? Hnmmmmm.
Don’t ask questions, send the girl away if all you have said is true. If she at 10 can be that mischievous then the future with her will be much worse. For the safety of your marriage no more maids
Are you kidding me right now?
U have a girl who is clearly harming your child and honestly a 10 year old shouldn’t be a maid dats child abuse. Send the girl back and u can always assist her financially
I just want to know what you apologized for? It seems we always play that card even when you have a big issue starring at you!
If you are not comfortable with his attitude, then let him keep malice for as long as he cares. When he comes around, you discuss his attitude. That girl is a lot smarter than you can imagine, she will keep playing the girl card till you handle it. If not, then send her home.
Send her away quickly.shez possessed. A 10yr old controlling your husband like that. And after sending her away,let a deliverance session be conducted for your husband.and be prayerful also
Please send that girl back to her parents before she scatter your home. A 10 years old that mischievous may not be ordinary.
send her back home
Since the girl is just 10 year of age ,i will say your husband is not playing a father role neither is she having an affair with him. to me i will say this is advice is for you to pray every minute and every second of your life and mid-night concerning your that God can intervene in your marriage………………and please read your bible especially psalm 31 and psalm 91.thanks
If what u said is true, then u have a lot to consider, first, who bright d girl home as housemaid, second, may be she’s his child dt he trickishly brought home or d girl might be demonic. U need to make ur research now b4 its late. Don’t let one young girl come and scartter ur home 4 u. Lastly be prayerful and everything will be settled with God