Why Fathers Should Monitor Children As Much As Mothers – See How A Father’s Instinct Saved His Child’s Life

Over the years, there has been this belief that it is a mother’s duty to be the home manager and be involved in all that concerns the kids. While, it is the father’s duty to bring home the bacon and help out when he can in the home.
Subconsciously, many fathers have ignored their children and their daily activities. These fathers have no knowledge about the likes or dislikes and joys or challenges of their children – that role to them, is a mother’s responsibility.
Stu Bonsall aged 45, from Burnley, Lancashire, is urging both parents to be actively involved in the lives of their kids and to also trust their parental instincts.
According to Dailymail, Bonsall was said to have rushed his baby daughter, Megan to a nearby hospital after he heard her crying in a different way. It turned out to be more serious than he imagined.
At the hospital, she was taken to the neonatal intensive care, where a series of tests were carried out. Bonsall‘s daughter was later diagnosed with life-threatening sepsis and moved to the Manchester Children Hospital and was put in a three-day coma.

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition where the body’s response to infection causes injury to its own tissues and organs. It is unclear how exactly Megan developed sepsis, however, it is most commonly caused by an infection.
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Megan was put on intravenous drips and her family were told to wait and see what happened. It was revealed that because of the drugs she was on, she doubled in size.
Bonsall said:
“It was awful to see, but we just hoped she would get better. I could so easily have done nothing fearing I’d be told I was over-reacting. But my actions saved Megan’s life. I will never regret that, I would advise all worried parents to visit their hospital. It could save your baby’s life.
I know all babies cry, I’m not stupid. But I sensed something was different. I wanted a doctor to check her over. I would rather look an idiot and know my daughter is okay.
It’s a good job I trusted my gut, because in a matter of minutes, she was rushed from casualty to Manchester Children’s Hospital (MCH) with sepsis. Don’t be scared of visiting your doctors or local hospital, because you never know.”
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The Father of three who is a service engineer, was concerned when he returned home from work on June 11, 2016, and heard Megan, then just four weeks old, crying in a way that sounded strange to him. When his wife, Tracy Bonsall told him Megan had been like that for a few hours, his worry increased.
Megan is a year old now and much healthier as she responded well to treatment. Mr Bonsall says it was touch and go, but their daughter is well and healthy, after the fantastic staff and his quick thinking to have her checked out, saved her life.

Parents should not feel trapped by those old misconceptions – parenting should be an equal responsibility. Fathers are just as essential in the lives of their kids and there are only positive benefits when a father creates time to engage and interact with his child.
Fathers should be more hands on when it comes to family…
Some men believe it’s a woman’s duty.