Dear MIMsters: How I Became Pregnant and Alone at 29

I’m a 29 years old lady. I met a guy 4 months ago and we started dating.
He told me he has girlfriend and I also told him that I am dating someone else but is currently not in the country. I noticed even when his babe is around, he prefers to be with me.
We fought about this so many times but he kept saying that since he’s not married to her, it’s OK until he walks her down the isle.
While we were dating, we had unprotected sex.
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Last week, I found out that I am pregnant with his child and I told him. Immediately, he reminded me that he already has a girlfriend. And before I knew it, he had blocked me on every social media through which I could reach I can reach him.
Now, he has stopped picking up my calls. I reached out to his parents and told them about it. His father told me that his son cannot marry two wives because my boyfriend’s girlfriend’s parents are family friends with them.
He said my pregnancy is still young, so I can still do something about it. Abortion is the last thing on my mind right now.
You have to be selfish to succeed, think about urself first, ur career, ur ambition and when u’ve finally made it, only then can u carry everyone along, carry urself first b4 carry ur family on ur shoulder, am not saying u shouldn’t help Buh not d help u’ll render that will paralyze u both financially and psychologically……..i kw wah it feels like cuz I’ve been there,i Neva had peace of mind cuz I was always thinking of d bills i’ud pay even though I wasn’t asked Buh I took it as my responsibility Buh I realized I can’t really help my family if I dnt really help myself…… Its all up to u and I wish u God’s strength
hmmmn.then keep the child.but I really dnt know what u were thinking…
You are just a trouble maker. You agreed there won’t be any commitments in this relationship, why do you want to change the rules of the game. If you think he will marry you, then you must be dreaming. It’s either you keep the baby or abort it. Pls don’t confront his girlfriend or go back to see his parents, just deal with him alone.
Smh. How can you be having unprotected sex with someone that has a girlfriend already? Smh.
You acted so irresponsibly, you brought this mess upon yourself so deal with it.
1.Don’t abort the pregnancy
2.Make up ur mind that u av become a single mother
3.Tell ur parents to help u with the journey of the pregnancy period
4. Leave the guy & his family. In future they will look for u & ur child.
5. Love yourself, be strong & happy, U have to live & take care of that bundle of Joy.
6. Learn from your mistake after delivery.
7.Place value on yourself & don’t fall into the same pit again.
8.Keep ur baby,keep yourself & serve God, He loves you still…
You may have made a mistake, but the God forming that child didn’t make a mistake.
So I a gree with this. Abosede..
No(1)I will not tell u to subject to abortion,but why would u stoop DT low when u already know this guy is in a relationship and even told u he would marry the other girl.what u are trying to do here is that u want to destroy someone elses future plan and that is bad cause later u would want to take DT baby to its father,and how do u think the wife would feel?but the deed had already been done.both of u cheated on each others partner so u both have to face the consequence,so please keep the child even if the father dnt accept it but with time,tinz will get better.