Kim Kardashian Defends Her Parenting Style | Responds to Mommy-Shamers

To the stunning business woman and proud mom of two, posting a photo of her little son Saint riding in the car with her was supposed to be an innocent picture.
Unfortunately Kim Kardashian sparked a firestorm of criticism after posting an image to Facebook in June showing Saint buckled into a car seat in the forward position.
Observations immediately flooded the reality television star’s social media comment section, with many questioning Kim’s mothering abilities saying Saint sitted in that manner was wrong.
According to, many believed little Saint was not rear-facing in his car seat and suggested that at his age he should be rear-facing in his car seat and not sitting forward the way Kim put him.
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Few days ago, the reality queen finally released a video via her website, addressing the recent online attacks directed at her about the way she has been parenting 20 month old son Saint and 4-year-old daughter, North.
She obviously fought back against the mommy shamers. The mother of two then set things straight for her fans by revealing why she made the decision to allow him to sit looking forward.
“But what people didn’t know is that Saint is now the weight and the height requirement to sit forward facing. Saint actually weighs more than North if that is believable.’
The American Academy of Pediatrics tells parents ‘to keep their toddlers in rear-facing car seats until age 2, or until they reach the maximum height and weight for their seat,” she said.
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Based on the American Academy of Pediatrics, parents are advised to keep their toddlers in rear-facing car seats until age 2, or until they reach the maximum height and weight for their seat.
Also in the state of California, children under 2 must use a rear-facing seat unless they are at least 40 inches tall and weigh at least 40 lbs. Kim was fully aware of this.
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In the same video the mother of two gushed about her obsessive plans to build her daughter, North’s empire. She concluded saying that whatever her daughter wants do do, she will always support her.
Photo credit: Instagram
If an ordinary does this same thing, people won’t talk shit but since it’s Kim they must talk. She should let them talk she owes no one any explanation.
ok…i see
We all have different ways of parenting, let everyone do it their way, keep your mom’s advice to yourself.