Dear MIMsters: I’ve Been Trying to Conceive, Yet I Refuse to Believe My Doctor’s Report After a HSG

I have been charting my cycle for a while now because I have been trying to conceive. My HSG test came out inconclusive because the evaluation about my uterus came out with a question mark…. “mucous fibroid?”
My gynaecologist ran his own transvaginal scan and said he saw a little defect in my uterus and will need to do a procedure (Hysteroscopy) to remove the defect.
I refused to believe the report because I did a scan not too long ago and the result was that my uterus was normal in size and no fibroid was found. So, I decided to take matters into my hands and had sex on my fertile days because I have been charting faithfully.
SEE ALSO:Common Causes Of Painful Sex And What To Do (Part Two)
A week after sex, I started having weird feelings. Cramps here and there, headaches, bloated stomach and the rest. These symptoms continued until the second week and I was hoping to get a BFP (Big Fat Positive) but was greatly disappointed when AF (my period) came today!!
I have been crying all day. I ovulate because I have also done blood work. MIMsters, do you think the small defect in my uterus is the culprit? Is the procedure advisable? Meanwhile, my hubby’s sperm analysis is perfect.
Go for the procedure please. Faith without works is useless.
I still believe the doctor knows better.
keep prayin