“It Is Un-African for Men to Do House Chores”- Gospel Singer Funmi Aragbaiye

Veteran gospel singer, Funmi Aragbaiye has revealed the secret behind her marital success. She and her husband, Bola Aragbaiye have been married for 40 years and she has credited some factors to this marital bliss. According to Funmi, she has never allowed her husband wash the dishes at home as ‘it is not an African culture’.
“No, he didn’t. I wouldn’t even have allowed him. I don’t like the idea of men doing house chores. That is a modern-day mentality. My husband doesn’t belong to that category.
I celebrate my husband. He is a big personality, a top journalist in this country. I can’t do that to him. I believe such a thing is dirty. Why would I allow him wash plates and do other house chores?
My upbringing wouldn’t allow him do such (house chores). I believe it is ‘unafrican’ for men to do house chores. As a mother, you need to put your house in the right order.
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In a recent chat with Sunday Scoop, the stunning mother and talented singer said she grew up with a mother who was a disciplinary and did not like arguments, so it helped her to become one too.
Although it took her a while to accept her husband into her life in the beginning, their love and respect for each other knows no bound.
“I would say the grace of God. We got married in 1977. If God is the foundation of one’s marriage, that marriage is bound to succeed. Then one’s upbringing also matters.
If one grew up with disciplinarians, that character would reflect in one’s marriage. One would be disciplined in one’s marriage. My mother is a disciplinarian.
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She doesn’t appreciate quarrels. Whenever I have disagreements with my husband, my mother is always on my husband’s side. She does that even up till today.
And when I question her decision about supporting my husband during our disagreements, she says that is the way in-laws should be treated.
Revealing they met at Nigerian Herald, the media corporation at the time, she said her husband buys her gifts and could even spend his life saving on her and vice versa.
More Nigerian men and women are doing away with stereotypes surrounding gender roles. Modern society doesn’t frown at stay-at-home dads and working women. There is no right or wrong way to handle gender roles in marriage. A couple should find what works for them and keeps them mutually happy.
Photo credit: Facebook
God would not allow our “modern day” daughters marry ur kinda kids God forbi.this is a slavery mentality.
House chores is dirty for men and not for women? I bow for this woman’s mentality Mtschew. I pity the girls that would marry her sons.