Dear MIMsters: I Feel Used and Dumped! How Do I Deal With This?

Dear MIMsters, being here has taught me lot of things about life but right now, I feel used and dumped.
I really want to appreciate everyone here for that. I have a problem for which I need help. I have tried to cry it out but the tears are not coming.
I met this guy a year before I started dating my boyfriend whom I hardly ever see. This guy and I lost contact after he asked me to date him but l refused.
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We met again this year when l went for a job hunt and he gave me the job. We started working together and a relationship developed afterwards. He told me he loves me so much. This was more than 6 months into working with him.
He kept showing me love and caring for me such that I started developing deep feelings for him.
We decided to meet on one particular weekend, at his place. There, he complained that l am too demanding, and that l like seeking for his attention. This was the same attention he had showered me with when he was pestering me to date him. Now he is also saying that l am too emotional.
The night before l left, he shouted at me and pushed me away when I tried to hug him while he was busy doing something. He begged me afterwards and I let it go.
It has been one month since I’ve been to his house and now, he’s been avoiding me. He acts like l am just his employee and scolds me in public.
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I really want to forget about this guy but l just can’t. Whenever l close my eyes, l regret ever going to bed with him and l see myself as a cheap whore before him. I just don’t know whether to quit this job or not. I am confused.
Why will you quit the job? Office romance is not always advisable cos it comes with a lot of issues. Now you feel cheated cos you have slept with him, and it seems that was all he wanted. Put up a bold face and if he scolds you unnecessarily, kindly shout back. Ignore him full time cos acting the victim is always going to make you miserable. The deed has been done and cannot be erased, and please don’t quit anytime you feel you have failed.
Why would you quit the job? Quit the relationship instead. He is not ready to be in a relationship.
look for another job.bfr u quit n next time zip up.u dnt have to be a virgin bfr u strt zippin up