Dear MIMsters: Should I Tell Hubby About My Discussion With His Sister?

Recently, my sister in law called me to come over to hers for an important discussion. She asked me why my elder sister is still in my house.
When I told her that my sister wanted to leave earlier but her brother, my husband asked her to wait. Then she asked why. She told me to be watchful before the least expected happens. (This means before he starts sleeping with my elder sister). She said that men are not trustworthy even though he is her brother.
My sister in law has been so kind to me since I got married to her brother and she has given me her support on most decisions I have had to make. She is like a mother to me and her first daughter is almost my age mate.
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On the other hand, my sister is really a good person and kind hearted to a fault.
Also, my husband is a principled man and I can say, I’m 99% sure that he can’t do such.
The truth is that my sister wants to leave but my husband wants her to stay a little longer so he can give her some money to start up her own business.
Due to the fact that she’s not married, she’s usually disrespected by my brothers back home. My home is the only place where she can come and feel at home and she’s been very helpful to us since she came. She’s so kind hearted even to my brothers who insult her because she is not married.
However, I need help to understand a few things listed below;
1) Could it be that my sister in law knows something that she wants me to find out on my own?
2) Is she just angry that my sister has stayed too long?
3) Is she truly concerned about me?
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I don’t want to tell hubby what his elder sister said because he might go and confront her and I don’t know this might result into. Or do you think I should tell him?
Do not tell your hubby anything, just be observant period
If you trust your hubby and sister so much then ignore your SIL. Why would she discuss a thing like that with you and not her brother himself?
Why tell ur husband that kind of thing? U want to wreck his relationship wv his sister? Or u get to have issues with him dt u dont trust him?its beta u keep that info to urself. And moreover,if ur sis goes back,cant ur husband’s money to start her business reach her dre?is it compluslory she stays in the house before she collects the money? There are banks around now. Your SIL might have seen or sensed something,u never can tell.Buh as the saying goes ‘What the adult sees while sitting down,a child will not see it while standing’.
Hmmmmnn….am asking same quest u asking
Your sister should leave. Its your matrimonial home. What are you talking about. Your elder sister in ur husband’s house. Na war o.
please don’t tell ur husband cos it will be betrayal of love n trust if not she would have gone straight to ur husband and use other means to fight her opinion tru. Don’t trust anyone so much cos atimes u don’t even trust urself, let’s face it, ur sis is possibly sex starved n we no wat a woman like dat can do especially wen opportunities presents itself, even ordained ministers tends to forget themselves talk more of a person in ur sister position. if u so much care about her being abused ahome n u n ur hubby can take her up then rent her a house n get her start her bznes, there ur marriage is something u should protect even from ur daughter talk more of a sister. ur sister in law might v seen something dat made her feel d need to talk to u or might not v seen anything but still is wise u avoid future stories, asi uto ka mma na mbiarute, sweetness of friendship is better wen u come on visit than wen living together cos misunderstanding will soon set in n wreck dat relationship. finally, dat money ur hubby wants to send can still be sent tru bank since is not ready now, does it mean if it takes him a year to gather d money dat ur sister will stay till then? nobody is against u or ur husband being good to her but still ur marriage comes first before anyone else
Pls don’t discuss it with your hubby. I think you should ignore your sister in law., She is a trouble maker. I think she’s angry your sister is staying long in your house. Pls don’t let anyone destroy the relationship you have with your sister.