Dear MIMsters: Is My Fiancé’s Habit a Major Red Flag?

Is my fiancé’s habit a major red flag? He and I have dated for about 3 years now and I must say it hasn’t been a bad experience.
We’re in a long distant relationship.
He’s God fearing, kind, caring, encourages my dreams and helps me whenever he can. The problem that I am having with is in the are of finance.
He has a job that can comfortably pay his bills but he isn’t a prudent spender. He has no savings left at the end of the day because he keeps dashing out all his money because he is very generous.
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After dashing out all his money and is left with nothing, he will come to borrow from me. He has been borrowing from me without paying back. I’ve even lost count of how much he is owing me, yet he’s still promising to pay back.
I’m just wondering, is this guy just not good with finance or is he being so nice and caring to me because of what he can get from me? Can this be considered a red flag?
I’ve talked about it several times with him but there has been no improvement. Now, he has stopped asking me for money but he is not even talking about the previous debts owed. I need advice on what to do next.
My sister,discuss it with him . Finance is important in marriage,if you eventually get married, you will be the one to shoulder the responsibilities.
Hmmm….. Run! Run!! Run!!!!!!!. It will be worse in marriage. You will foot all the bills including his philanthropic bills. Once you show a man you are capable of taking care of yourself during courtship he will jejely leave everything finance to you. You will feel the weight when you start having kids and will have to pay school fees, medical bills, house rent and all other bills. A man who dosent give you money for your upkeep when you are courting rather collects from you…… Hmm my sister flee. Talking from experience and it’s not a pleasant one. Wish someone had advice me then.