7 Smart Ways To Build Your Confidence as A Parent

There is no book to perfect parenting. Most times, first-time parents, even those that have been in the business for a while, tend to lose their courage. But not to worry, you’re about to tread a path where millions before you have trod. Let’s follow these (foot) steps that show you how to build confidence as a parent.
- Don’t Compare Yourself with Others
People are different. You are different from those mothers and so is your baby. If you see them going at parenting like it’s nothing, don’t feel bad. Don’t get into the habit of comparing or copying what other mothers and their babies are doing. You’ll just set yourself and your baby up for a frustrating time.
- Filter Comments and Advices
Remember, you and your baby aren’t like others so when they say you didn’t tie her ribbon properly or that you shouldn’t still be breastfeeding him, tell them thank you and carry on parenting your way. Although you should select a few experienced parents, maybe two or three, that you trust and respect. Those, you can listen to.
- Stay Healthy and Refreshed
This means that you should get enough chow, exercise and rest. And do it properly. Also try and do things that will make you feel good as long as it doesn’t affect your child. Get your hair done, fix your nails and dress like the imperial hotness you are. When you don’t get enough food, rest and exercise or no feel-good times, there’s absolutely no way you could start to feel confident. Also, when you’re calm, your kid will be calm and generally less fussy.
- Aim for Good, Not Perfect
Don’t set high expectations of yourself or aim for high standards. No parent is perfect. They may look like they are, but there are those that are hiding their lapses. Yeah, prepare a to-do list but don’t condemn yourself if you couldn’t “check” everything on it. As long as your kids are eating enough of the right stuff at the right time, looking clean and presentable and can communicate all proper and polite, give yourself a break. When you make mistakes, remember it’s okay to be wrong sometimes. You learn from your mistakes.
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- Stay Informed
Read up on what’s happening in the world of parenthood. Read books on parenting whether they be print books or e-books. Getting information and knowing “what’s up” could make you confident on its own. Also join a neighbourhood or community support group where you can mix with other parents.
- Ask for Assistance
You can’t do everything by yourself. It’s impossible. Also, trying to do everything on your own will leave you unhealthy, unrefreshed and having no time to do those feel-good things we mentioned earlier. Get a babysitter or ask your hubby, colleague or cousins to lend a helping hand or two.
- Believe In You
You just have to believe in yourself and your capacity to do the right thing. Trust your instincts and when your emotions start running wild and free, take deep breaths and put them under control. You can practice some positive affirmations and tell yourself that you are on top of it. You’ve got this.
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