5 Ways To Feel Good In Your Post-baby Body

Mark Wealth
We’re here for those moms who don’t feel so good about how they look. Well, here are some ways to get some of that divalicious swag back with your post-baby body.
1. Focus on shedding weight
Take a thousand steps in the right direction. Put on your exercise clothes and go jogging, brisk walking or do some aerobics at home. Be diligent/disciplined about it. Work out at least three times a week, take a walk around your neighbourhood with the baby if possible; it will do both of you a world of good as you’ll be burning fat, taking in fresh air and generally feeling good. Breastfeeding your baby is a natural way of burning calories and shedding weight too.
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2. Look good
Don’t neglect your hair even if you’re not going anywhere; comb, brush or pack it neatly. Wash it three times a week, not more than this if you don’t want it to start falling off. You can visit the salon if you want to but don’t go spending a lot of money on it.
Take care of your skin. Your diet and exercise will help in this direction. Make some homemade face-masks with avocado pear or aloe Vera, lay back and let the goodness seep into your skin pores. Bathe with a moisturising shower gel and drink lots of water to keep your skin looking healthy.
You can spoil yourself at a spa with some manicure and pedicure otherwise do it at home whenever you have some time to spare. When you take care of your skin, hair and nails and they’re all looking good, you’ll most certainly start feeling good with yourself.
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3. Sharpen your dress sense
Keep your clothes fresh and clean. Oh! They don’t fit again? Try getting a few new clothes. They don’t have to be Dolce Gabbana and Versace, there are simple affordable and stylish clothes out there. Go window-shopping (another way to shed weight) and select some such clothes.
One mother suggested dressing in black. Black simple dresses have a way of making you look good and breast milk spills and other stains don’t show on them. Get some black casuals for those evening walks or just chilling at home.
Your breast size has changed so get the right size. Don’t underestimate the impact of good bras and underwear; invest in those along with cheerful scarves, shoals and belts. Don’t forget to get those stunner sunshades too. Step out with the song in your ears: “I’m walking on sunshine.”
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4. Socialise
Don’t stay isolated and stuck indoors like some sombre vampire. Go out there and meet old and new people. Call up your friends and set up a girl’s night/day out. Catch up on what’s been happening and give them stories about your delivery experience and how your hubby acted in the delivery room.
You can also join and meet up with some New Mom’s Committee where you’ll see other moms who are struggling with postpartum issues. Seeing other women trying to get that pre-pregnancy prettiness back will lift your spirits up. Nothing like knowing you’re not alone in this. You guys can trade “war stories” and ideas.
5. Drop the negative vibes
Embrace your self, whether the weight-loss campaign is working or not. You’ve just been through a special experience, don’t undermine that. Nurturing life from embryo stage to new born baby is no small feat. If it’s left you with “battle scars”, be proud of it. Stay positive and happy because researches have shown that your feelings about your body may be one only you are seeing.
Noted. Thanks.