“Even if you become a president… you are inferior to men”- Read Nigerian Man’s Views on Gender Equality

A Nigerian woman, Sokunbi-Akinlabi on Instagram shared her DM conversation with a Nigerian man on gender equality and it’s quite shocking!
According to the guy, no matter the achievement or level of education a woman can attain in life, it doesn’t change her from being a woman and that they are inferior to men.
”All of you women folks can go and become professors. What ever you become, it won’t change the fact that you are female.
READ ALSO: 8 Things The Nigerian Woman Should Know About The Gender Equality Bill
Become president of Nigeria, World Bank, USA, Noble winner, whatever, you remain a female.
If you become a Noble winner, I am her waiting to thumb you up. But a female you will remain. Women are inferior to men,” he concluded.
She wrote:
”I knew guys like this existed, just never had much of a one on one with one of them masochist before. Talk about superiority complex, the guy actually thinks he is shit. ????????????????????
@assad_bin i actually feel sorry for you and your type.
#masochist #malechauvinism
#asshole #excuseofahumanbeing #thosetypeofidiots #youtrynottogettangledwith #ipitythewomanthatwillend #upwiththisexcuseofahuman
#toobadawomanlabour #forthisidiottobeborn
#willprobablyamounttonothing #exceptbeingaman.”
This one’s brain is damaged.
gemini u stole s word moron out of my mouth….