Another Woman Calls Out Taxify Driver For Trying to Kidnap Her Around 4 a.m.

A Nigerian singer on Facebook, with name, Sandra Sabriel Ifudu has narrated how a Taxify driver almost kidnapped her after she ordered his ride.
She took to Facebook reveal that the driver waited outside her gate till 4 a.m. to kidnap her just because the fee for the ride which she transferred to him didn’t reflect in his bank account.
Her post read:
”Is Taxify no longer safe for women to use? This idiot of a driver by name Izedomni dropped me off in my house last night, waited outside my gate till 4 .a.m in the morning, then came into my compound to kidnap me.
According to him, the money I transferred to him ‘has not entered’, therefore, I should follow him to d ATM by 4am! to confirm. If his intentions were pure, why didn’t he wait till day break? Why ask me to follow him out at that time?
If this is not an attempt to kidnap, I don’t know what it is. The only person I blame in all these, is my neighbour that opened the gate for a total stranger at 4am!”
It may be recalled that this is not the first complaint coming from a female user of the Taxify platform.
Few weeks ago, MTV Shuga actress, Dorcas Fapson whose saga with a Taxify driver, Udeh Henry Nnaemeka is yet to die down, also accused the driver of attempting to kidnap and rape her (read here).
In a series of posts on social media, Dorcas claimed the driver locked her in his car, drove to a random house, then tried to dragged her out of the car, but thanks to her pepper spray, she was able to make her escape after emptying the can into his eyes.
READ ALSO: “You are a Ritualist” Taxify Driver to Dorcas Fapson in Unmuted Video
To counter the actress’s claim the said Taxify driver gave his own side of the story and it is completely different from Dorcas’.
”Let me start by saying thank you all for your support so far. However, my name is Henry Nnaemeka and I’m neither a Rapist nor a Kidnapper. This is my Story. I’m a taxify driver/partner.
On Thursday the 25th of January 2018 between the hours of 12midnight and 1am I was on my way home from work when I received a taxify rider request from a Ibrahim Eletu way which was coincidentally where I was at that time and also same estate I stay.
I decided to take that last trip before I go home to rest. On getting to the pick-up location To pick up the rider (Miss Shola Fapson) she got In my vehicle and just as I started the trip I noticed there wasn’t a destination for the trip so I politely asked her for the destination to know where I’m going to and if it will be convenient for me at that time of the night but she refused to tell me and instead asked me to drive out that she will tell me later.
READ ALSO: Update on Taxify Driver and Dorcas Fapson Saga
I politely refused and asked severally for the destination but she wouldn’t tell me rather she ordered me in a harsh tone to “Move this car”! On hearing this, I was surprised why she would hold back her destination from me and also ordered me to move the car.
It was at this point I told her I wasn’t going anymore. I ended the trip immediately and asked her to come down from the car since we were still at the pick-up location but to my Greatest surprise she refused to come down and then started making some phone calls in Yoruba Language to some people whom I didn’t know disclosing our location to them.
At this point, I got scared and was trying to be on the safe side so I drove the car to the front where the estate had a security light which was a few seconds from the pickup location.
In response to the accused driver’s side of the story, Fapson shared damning evidences, she recorded while she was in the cab.
The videos seem to prove Henry Nnaemeka actually lied in his response. If you miss it, read the rest of the story Here..
Photo credit: Facebook
I use taxify a lot oh. I actually prefer it to uber. I just hope it is not becoming unsafe with all these stories I am reading.