African-American Comedianne, Tiffany Haddish Recounts How She Got Raped And What Went Down Afterwards

One of America’s favourite in recent times is African-American Tiffany Sarac Haddish, a comedienne and an actress.
The 38-year-old actress’ rise to fame was not a walk in the park, though.
In a recent chat with Glamour magazine, Tiffany revealed some not so glamorous details of her personal life before she got fame, including being raised by an abusive mother, getting raped at a tender age by a police cadet and building defense mechanisms.
Speaking about the sexual assault, Tiffany disclosed that the experience, which put her in “such a messed-up place for a long time”, happened when she was just 17.
According to Tiffany, she met her rapist at a family event and he lied to her about his age. After the event, he offered her a lift to her house, but drove to his own house instead.
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”We get to his place and I see, like, handcuffs and a police uniform and I’m like, ‘What’s that? Is that like a Halloween costume or something? And he’s like, ‘No I’m a cadet, I’m training to be in the police force. I want to end up being a police officer.’
Next thing I know, I’ve got one arm up in the handcuff, and he’s got me pinned down. He raped me, he was stronger than me. It was the worst feeling in the world.”
”I notice that men are afraid of women that are aggressive. So to protect myself I become semi-aggressive. You hear about, ‘Tiffany always hitting on somebody,’ but that’s to keep them from hitting on me.”
Although Tiffany did not name her abuser in public, she explained why:
”Me just yelling out people’s names with no thought behind it is pointless. I need a plan. I could be a voice, but what’s a voice going to do—just keep talking? Or is there action behind it.”