Woman Experiences a Massive Turn-Around After Making This Decision About Her Marriage And It Is Deep

Nollywood actress and mom-of-2, Abiola Segun-Williams shared a story about domestic violence via Instagram. She narrated the story of a woman whose life took a turn for the better after her neighbours ‘helped’ her get out of an abusive marriage.
Read the incredible story below:
”I had planned to write about the message i heard in church today. Being the light everywhere you go.However dark it is, a little light will shine through defying the darkness however contrary.
Determined to make that message mine i shone through the majestic doors of the church ready to blaze the glory of God’s light as best as i can then i was confronted by the most infuriating story i have heard in a very long time.
I saw a very lovely sister that i have always admired.After a warm hug i asked about her children and husband.She said “oh i am divorced”. Didnt i know? No i didn’t but i noticed in the past one year or so she has been glowing and “fining” anyhow.
I didnt know what it was but i always made it a duty to let her know she was looking gorgeous.She radiated so much peace and inner beauty.So today i knew why she had been shinning.
Apparently all these many years i knew her she had been suffering terrible physical, verbal and emotional abuse not only from her husband but from his mum, siblings and even his nephew.
The episode that shook me to my feet was the narration of how her mom in law wanted her attention on her way to the bathroom. She was in a towel.
husband’s nephew came to call her, she turned to follow him to her mom in law when the young man disrobed her.
READ ALSO: Touching Story of How a Woman Endured and Overcame Years of Domestic Violence
Took off her towel saying “what is it that you are covering gan” striping her naked to the full view of everyone including her husband who had absolutely nothing to say except that they were training her.
Yeeeee!!My body shook. My light was shining through my ears, my mouth and my eyes in multiples of lightning!!!! Still this woman stayed in the marriage.
She continued to endure such gross humiliation and dehumanization from her husband and in laws.
One day her concerned neighbours called RRS who took her out of the house because her husband was beating her again and they feared for her life. That was when her eyes opened. She had to be taken away before she realised she was clutching at straws.
She divorced him. Soon after it, doors began to open for her. She got an incredible job. Moved to Lekki. Bought a very nice car and her light shone even brighter. She is not bitter. Her light is shinning!!.”
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