Dear MIMsters: My Husband Resigned From His Work And Has Left Home

Please I need your advice on this tensed situation. My husband and I live in Europe with our three children. He has now resigned from his work and has left home.
My husband worked in a famous company with an official 2015 car. He was well loved by his bosses because of his potentials. February this year, my husband told me that he was planning to leave his job to become self employed. He said he was tired of the job and not making enough money. I know his pay wasn’t bad at all.
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I talked, petted, did everything to stop him from leaving that job. After his leave, he refused to return to work. His company called him a couple of times but he told them that he was not feeling well until they stopped calling.
Then, my husband started a self employed job as a cabbie. Apparently, it didn’t turn as well as he expected. He is always broke, always complaining. I pay for the mortgage of the house, I clothe our 3 kids, I pay water bills, TV channels provider bills, council tax, and everything about their school. He buys the food and pays electric bill.
When his work card expired, for some reasons, the card renewal agency refused to renew the card for 3 months. I am working and studying which is not easy. Regardless of spending all my money, he does not appreciate it. He asked that I should borrow him money to pay his car insurance which he’s been owing for 4 months. I refused because the responsibility was too much for me. I could not even read anymore. We argued. As a result of not giving him the money from my savings, he told my son that he is leaving and so he left.
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For two weeks now, he only called to speak to the children. I don’t know what kind of marriage this is coupled with the fact that he is very ungrateful. I am in my early 30’s and stressed up. What should I do?
My dear its prayer you need oooo. Its not ordinary for a man to just throw away his job just like that when he is well paid. This is just the plans of the enemy to stripe him of his honour and dignity! If you have been praying before its time to wake up and do serious prayers ooooo. Your enemies are after your home and don’t give them room to laugh at you. Support him, encourage him the best way you can and don’t nag him. After all marriage is for better for worse.
I don’t understand why a man who is gainfully employed will abandon it to start a cab business(except there is more to the job than you know).Now he is gone,u have to take full charge of the home(pending his return).Cut down on your expenses so d load won’t be too much for u.Finally,l believe there is nothing prayers can’t do so kneel with your kids daily and pray for daddy
Pray pray my dear only god can intervene
Keep living your life. Pretend he is dead. He wants to emotionally blackmail you. He should have listened to you in the first place and owes you an applogy for the nonsense his bad decision has caused. It will be hard, but you dont want tp rely on a partner that bails out on u when everwhere is hot.
He is not serious and unappreciative. He did what he did cuz u were taking care of what he was supposed to be taking care of. Most men have normal job for monthly income and they side biz for extra income but ur hubby wanna make u a slave nd workaholic while he relax. Plz don’t even send him. Who leaves a job with that kind of pay with 2015 car to an unknown biz. Please take care of urself and ur kids
Hmmmmmmm na wa oh. This kind matter tire me.
But why did he resigned? There is more to this, madam pray for your husband.
Madam you need serious prayers n patience. I know it’s not easy but just keep calm n keep praying. He will come back
Madam there is something he’s not telling you, we can never know the taught of men only God knows, so put him in prayers and move on with your life, u know you have three children to take care of, ur health matters…..The Lord is your strength
From what u wrote, u obviously had the money to pay for his insurance but u chose not to cos ure doing a lot already. Now he cant even drive his car. U never told us he was irresponsible before he lost his job, so I can assume he took care of ur needs.. He might be going through depression and he needs all the support in the world. Depression is a medical illness. Its not fair that we want our men to always be there for us as women but when the tables turn 99% of us complain and make the man feel bad. Marriage is friendship and friends stick up for one another.
All you need right now is to stay focused, he will definitely come back. Just keep working hard, the kids needs you and they also need food in their stomach, clothes on their back, roof over their heads and their school fees paid. So my sister, you have a lot on your plate already and don’t necessarily need to breakdown now. Take care and be wise.
marriage wahala ooo
Ignore him n pretend he doesn’t exist when he comes back to his senses he will come along. Eat n make urself happy to avoid HBP. Nigeria women wt prayer though lolz
Ur hubby needs serioz prayers,cos resigning frm a well paid to a cabbie isn’t normal.
After him go say them dey follow from village lolz
i think theres more to this
I am sure he expects u to hand over ur salary to him every time u collect it. There is nothing to him resigning he is just bn stubborn and tnks he can make it on his own without proper planning. He believes he can manipulate u. Dats d problem wit ds men dey don’t believe woman have sense to tell dem d truth. I have sn sme here at d end of d day dey call their wivies witch and accuse dem of so many tns. Pls make urself happy, take care of ur kids make dem u happy and continue ur study gradually gradually tns will take shape. Pray for good health and strength to withstand all ds stress and him off ur mind he is not a baby he will take care of himself. U can not kill urself bcos of a man. U can pray for him if u wish after all he is d fada of ur kids. Just pray for God guidance and protection..
He needs ur prayers, u should hv given him money for his car insurance since u hv it, just bcs u were angry u did not, pls try and get him back and talk things over with him.
Reach out to him. U understand him better than anyone else. Help him solve his problem and not add to it. Something must have happened at his work place for him to resign. Don’t allow finances to becloud your judgement and your responsibility as a wife. Probably his ego has been crushed at his work place. Men are not like women that let it out. He is unhappy already about the unthriving business. This is is the time to be more supportive. Build your home and not bring it down. This is a test you have to pass. It’s for better for worse. May the Lord grant you the wisdom to tackle this positively. #Be the virtous woman and a friend in his time of need.