South African Woman, Zamandelu Recounts Sad Story Of How Her Own Mom Protected Man Who Abused Her and Her Sister As Kids

“I don’t have a relationship with my mother because she allowed me and my sister to be abused and refused to stop it. She protected our abuser and told us to leave her house if we wanted to report it. My sister and I are now both adults suffering from Depression.
Relatives were aware of what was going on but non of them said anything, it carried on for years!I’ve been angry! Im still angry! She failed us!
She broke us down, we were kids man! How do you tell your daughter who had to endure bullying at school come home to be told that she’s fat and useless! We had no where to run!
For the longest time I suffered with low self esteem and as an adult I’ve been trying to overcompensate by wearing less clothes so I can get compliments and feel sexy and beautiful! Sucks isn’t it
Then you get a people who judge you because of your choices without understanding the real story. “It’s not that deep” Twitter savages say. When someone commits suicide then y’all are quick with the Rest in power garbage!
Don’t worry though, I got help, the end of each day is a victory against Depression because I’m still alive!
It’s sad how they want to play happy family like nothing happened, I feel like if they owned up and addressed issues it would be less painful.”
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