11 Things You Need To Know About Menstrual Cramps

Ogbugoh Terundu Joy
Every woman dreads those painful involuntary contractions that come with her monthly flow. While some experience it before their period begins, others have to endure these painful sensations for as long as their period lasts. We know it hurts, but asides the pain, here are other facts about menstrual cramps you need to know:
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1. The medical term for menstrual cramps is Dysmenorrhea.
2. A disorder in a woman’s reproductive system such as infections or fibroids is referred to as, secondary dysmenorrhea. This pain begins earlier on in the menstrual cycle and lasts longer than menstrual cramps.
3. Menstrual cramps are caused by a chemical in the woman’s body called prostaglandin. This chemical is what stimulates the uterine(womb) muscles to contract in other to shed it’s lining in preparation for menstruation.
4. A woman with high prostaglandin levels in her uterus lining will experience more painful menstrual cramps.
5. Some women’s menstrual cramps is so severe that they become indisposed for days due to the pain.
6. Not all women experience menstrual cramps.
7. Pressing a hot water bottle to your abdomen would relieve menstrual cramps as heat is known to relax the muscles.
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8. Menstrual cramps can worsen with age.
9. Stress and smoking worsens menstrual cramps.
10. Exercising relieves menstrual cramps as the act of exercising in itself raises your body’s natural pain killers called beta-endorphins.
11. The amount of pain you experience during your cramps is an indication of the level of pain you should expect during delivery.
This just came in handy. God bless you MIM for this. My period started this morning and it always comes with cramps and pains.
Luck not to have menstrual cramps.
I’m so very lucky not to have menstrual cramps.
Never experienced it before. Grateful though
So true….mine stopped after I had my first child.
I learnt it stops after childbirth but a friend of mine still experiences cramps.I will show her this.Thanks
I do experience it wen am nt married Bt since I got married I dnt think I hv experience it.
Its true n thank for sharing
great but av never experienced it.sum times I don’t even remember am in my period
i dont experience menstrual cramps,thanks to my Chi….. but quiet helpful.thanks MIM
Used to experience it when I just started but prayed it out! Now I don’t even know when am mestruating or not
I do experience d cramp on d first and second day sometime I use over d counter medication and I’l be fine tnx for this
I use to have d worst cramp it stop after I have birth to my daughter
I used go have menstrual cramps but no more since I started having kids
I have the worst cramps ever
Thanks 4 educating us…mine is stress free
Quite educating. I have the worst menstrual cramps that I even throw up at times during my period. I use over the counter drugs but I notice it reduces the number of days for my flow. Thanks MIM for this info.