Uche Jombo Pops Out Relevant Question About Raising Millennials and Technology To Parents | How Would You Answer

‘Technology is the future’ and all that, but the responsibility of parenting has become even more burdensome with the advent of technology. Nigerian mum and actress, Uche Jombo, 39, through what she suggested to be a personal encounter about how the internet can be really unsafe for kids, bared her mind on the subject of parental supervision of internet use.
The mum-of-one took to her Instagram page to raise the consciousness of other parents to how unsafe the internet can be for youngsters.
She spoke on the rapidly growing number of internet chatrooms, and how age restrictions are not effective, since kids can always hide behind their phones and pretend to be adults to participate in discussions and activities way beyond their years.
Despite recognising the importance of raising digitally skilled children in an increasingly technological world, the mum -of-one said, unchecked access to the abundant resources on the internet is not in the best interest of children, and asked about what age is most appropriate to allow for unsupervised access to internet for kids.
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Read what she wrote below:
”Technology is the future,I know the importance of making sure our children are highly skilled in this digital age but the harsh reality is ….unless you are going to supervise your child’s online activities they are not safe…the true danger lurking in the burgeoning number of children’s internet chat rooms ( social media / gaming chat rooms)
I know most of these apps say 13 years and above (which kids can lie about to create profile) (Today is such an eye opener for me)
Story for another day. Can we please discuss the right age for our kids to get on internet (social media and gaming chat rooms) unsupervised.
Now that I have gotten that off my chest”.