Dora Akunyuli’s Daughter, Chidiogo Makes A Firm Case For Gender Parity

Chidiogo Akunyili, astute daughter of former director general of NAFDAC, late Dora Akunyili is a woman of many trades. She is the Founder of She ROARs – Reimagining Our Africa Rising ( a platform that seeks to empower women across Africa to unleash their full potential).
As a writer, storyteller and movement builder, Chidiogo is impacting the global narrative with her belief in the power of people affecting change.
In an interview with Genevieve Magazine, Chidiogo Akunyili, who had a civil wedding with her beau, Andrew last year, made a case for gender equality. In her opinion, gender parity is not the same as begging for equality.
Chidiogo, who is passionate about gender equality shared how women have been continually discriminated in our society.
“There is an under-tapped strength in a woman,” she shared. “By withholding education, various access, security, freedom, her life bear tales of body shame, sexual suppression, child-marriage, sexual violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, physical violence and a plethora of workplace discrimination.”
But she’s demanding that an end be put to all that, and she’s aware it’s not going to be easy.
”The road ahead is arduous and the herculean task of a better world is rendered even more difficult when society continues to rob women of the equal access needed to contribute to the fullness of our potential.”
But she believes it is something that must be done, for “men and women to put the best parts of their shared humanity to work and heal the world.”
Check out Genevieve Magazine for more.
Photo Credit: Genevieve magazine/Instagram