3 Steps To Treating Toddler Knee Scrapes, Cuts And Bruises

However much we dote on or hover around our kids, we will never be able to keep them fully in check. Kids will be kids which means that as they explore and play, they could get scrapes, cuts and bruises in the process.
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Minor injuries can be treated with first aid measures. For minor injuries as knee scrapes, bruises and cuts, find treatment tips below;
1. Apply Pressure
The first step in treating your child’s wound is to stop the bleeding. This is done by applying pressure with a clean gauze or cloth over the area for about five minutes.
If the bleeding continues even after applying pressure, still retain the pressure and raise the affected limb above the heart to slow down the bleeding. If that is the case, you should then contact your child’s doctor.
2. Cleanse The Wound
After you have successfully controlled bleeding, the wound must be cleansed. Place the injured area under cool or lukewarm running water (you can pour from a bowl, or place area under a running tap) for a few minutes to flush away any small debris.
You should avoid aggressive scrubbing because it may cause more bleeding apart from being uncomfortable for your child. You may give your child paracetamol if you suspect there is a need for it in order to control the pain. Otherwise, see your child’s doctor.
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3. Apply Antibiotic Ointment
Once the area has been cleansed, apply a soothing antibiotic ointment and cover the injury site with a bandage. Change the bandage daily or whenever it becomes wet. Once the area appears to be drying off and healing well, you can remove the bandage and leave the area exposed to promote healing.
If your child develops a fever or the injured area starts to ooze or becomes inflamed , contact your healthcare provider. These signs may indicate an infection, which may require a prescription antibiotic.
Preventing Scars After Healing
Here are a number of tips to keep your child’s skin unblemished after his wounds have healed:
- To speed up the growth of new skin, keep the area covered during the early stages of healing.
- Supervise your child to avoid him engaging in aggressive sports that may worsen his injury.
- Give paracetamol to decrease headache and pains.
- Pack your child’s foods with highly nutritious elements that offer rich vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are important in the wound-healing process.
Remember to not fret when your child has sustained an injury, stay in control and on top of the situation, it will help your child relax too. Do not also forget to nurture your child back to his healing with love and many hugs.