‘This Pain Is Gain’ Dad-Of-Two Bolanle Ninalowo Is Besides Himself With Joy Over His Marriage In New Emotional Post

Since his emotional reunion with his wife, Nollywood star actor and dad-of-two, Bolanle Ninalowo has not hesitated every chance he gets to show that he is awed by what genuine love can endure and still remain strong. His marriage to his wife, Bunmi Ninalowo had fallen apart for years quite irretrievably, only for the two to connect again by some means and re-dedicate themselves to their marriage.
In previous Instagram posts since their marriage was rekindled, the actor had profusely apologised to his wife, claiming responsibility for their falling apart all those years, while showering praises on her for staying true the whole time.
It looks like the actor is bent on making it up to Bunmi and letting the world know how much he reveres the love of his life. In a new Instagram post, the actor shared a picture of them both with a beautiful caption, including saying ““If she was there when you were Nothing, Never loose her” and rounding off with the hashtag “This is pain, this is gain”.
Read his full caption below:
“If she was there when you were Nothing, Never loose her” Makanaki
Sometimes you realize it was all a test, a test of your perseverance, a test of your patience, a test of your determination! they say no pain, no gain!No happiness is without sorrow!The only way up is down!
To go up you must come down! Cant have a breaktru without a breakdown! Cant have a destination without a journey!
Nobody wins a game of chess by only moving forward.
Sometimes you just gotta stop, breath, take a step back or many steps BACK if you must.
cry if you have to because nothing can clean your eyes better than your own tears.
Remember why because those who never loose sight of their reason never loose focus. Makanakian PRAY because Only God is king
wassup baby ????@queennino_b
See his original post below: