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Twitter User @Ifeoma_Solanke Reels Out What It Takes To Be A Good Wife

Twitter User @Ifeoma_Solanke Reels Out What It Takes To Be A Good Wife

A young woman recently took to social media to discuss what it takes to be a good wife. According to the Twitter user identified as , being good at domestic chores does not make a woman a good wife.

Ifeoma, who is a lawyer cited an example of her past relationship and how it ended despite all she put in into the affair. She cooked his food, cleaned his house, and even washed his clothes and at the end of it all, Ifeoma said his boyfriend called her one day and told her ‘I’m not marrying a maid’ and that was the end of the relationship.

She went further to say that most men are not after women who are just good at doing house chores, as some men can do it themselves. She went on to blame the society for teaching the girl child to be a domestic wife but forgets to lay emphasis on the other core values.

In her opinion, for a woman to be a good wife, she must have something of value to offer in the relationship. She must be one who can be her husband’s prayer warrior, whose husband can trust with his business deals, can be his alter ego, can trust to make decisions on his behalf and don’t flop, who sells out her husband’s brand etc. 

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