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Happily Divorced Couple, Hannah and Fard Bell, Compile A List Of 5 Points To Consider Before Committing To A Permanent Relationship

Happily Divorced Couple, Hannah and Fard Bell, Compile A List Of 5 Points To Consider Before Committing To A Permanent Relationship

A happily divorced couple, Hannah and Fard Bell have taken it upon themselves to educate intending and already married couples on the five points to consider before committing to a permanent relationship as a marriage. Hannah and her husband of thirteen years, Fard, recently finalised their divorce and the couple made the five-point guide from the experiences they have drawn from their marriage.

The couple maintains they are friendly and will co-parent their only child, Joseph. They took to Facebook to share a photo of themselves beaming with smiles and oddly celebrating their divorce while at what they tagged a “celebratory lunch”.

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Following their split, the couple shared the lessons they learned from their long union. And one major highlight of the lessons they talked about was “hearing from God’, and getting your priorities right

Read the 5 lessons below:

It’s official. Yesterday our divorce was finalized. After our court hearing we had a celebratory lunch together, ringing in our next season of life as friends and co-parents.

As we reflected on our 13 years of marriage, together we came up with 5 marital lessons we learned along the way:

1) Take the time to REALLY get to know yourself, your purpose, your vision, your priorities, and your core values before committing yourself to someone else for life. Get clear on your non-negotiables and on your deal breakers before saying “I Do”. Otherwise, your newfound vision can create division if it’s not in alignment.

2) Even if you believe you heard from God, there’s no need to rush to the altar. Take your time and enjoy the process of courtship, or you’ll find yourself getting to know each other after you’re already married.

3) Before getting married, make sure your priorities are compatible and don’t ignore core value differences.While marriage takes compromise, there are some things that can’t be compromised. Eventually, either you’ll try to be someone you’re not, or you’ll try to change the other person into someone they’re not and it won’t work.

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4) Marriage takes work. Don’t underestimate the amount of work that it takes to build a strong marriage. Go to marriage seminars together before getting married, learn what it really takes, and make sure you’re both willing to put in the work together. If you don’t grow together you’re gonna grow apart.

5) Hindsight is 20/20. We may not be able to change the past, but what we can do is make the best of our current situation and of the future, out of love and respect for ourselves and for our son. Life doesn’t always work out exactly how we planned, but God can still get the glory from our story.

We truly believe all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. God can still make something Good out of our situation. We are both proud of the life we built together over the past 13 years. And through this marriage, the most wonderful miracle was born, Jacob Victorious Bell.

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