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Nigerian Dad Who Stoops To Conquer, Earns The Approval Of Twitter Users For His Flexible Parenting Approach

Nigerian Dad Who Stoops To Conquer, Earns The Approval Of Twitter Users For His Flexible Parenting Approach

A Nigerian dad has earned himself the approval of Twitter users for adopting unconventional methods to parent his tech-savvy kids. Parenting never has been an easy job, but with changing times and the growing popularity of social media,  more parents are finding it a lot more difficult to keep tabs on their children.

Twitter user Temidele’s dad, however, appears to be adjusting pretty well and has probably figured out it’s better to adopt more flexible parenting approaches. After he noticed his two children discreetly blocked him from their Twitter accounts, the doting father was obviously hurt and sent a message to his daughter, Temidele, on the  Whatsapp.

Read their exchange below;

Dad:  Is there any reason you and Victor blocked me on tweeter

           Thats a very unfriendly gesture. I thought we were friends.

Temidele: No Daddy, we were testing something ???

Dad: You guys are over 21, you are responsible for what you do. Mine is to truly guide you from pitfalls. Please carry me along, it’s important for us all.

READ ALSO: 10 Parenting Styles of African Parents That Have Robbed Us (Part One)

After Temidele shared the Whatsapp exchange on Twitter, users on the app thought it was really special that a Nigerian dad would put aside authority to earn the trust and friendship of his children.

When the post became viral, @Temidele_K thought to share the development with her dad and their Whatsapp exchange to that effect ended on a hilarious note, that endeared the old man even more to online users.

See screenshot below:

See Also

See the original tweet below:

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