Dear MIMsters: What Would Have Happened To My Marriage If The House Help Had Gotten Pregnant

What would have happened to my marriage if the house help had gotten pregnant?
I am married with two boys. My family moved into a 3 bedroom apartment five months before my wife gave birth to our second son. Immediately after the naming ceremony, my wife started complaining about doing house chores because it was becoming too much for her.
My mother in law brought one of her family members to come to live with us. She is 19 years old. Some 4 weeks after, I noticed that whenever she cooks rice, the whole pot will be filled with rice. As in, she cooks as if she is cooking for 7 people instead of 3 people. I called my wife’s attention to it.
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While in the kitchen, she’s always on calls, but I didn’t want to press too much on that so that my wife won’t start thinking about something else.
I leave home for work exactly at 4.a.m and I return back home at 9 p.m. There was a night I got home earlier like around 7 p.m. On that day, I was in our bedroom working on my laptop when around 10 pm, my wife said she heard a strange voice in our flat. I told my wife that maybe it’s coming from our neighbors sitting outside. There was no electricity and the generator was off.
Meanwhile, this house help of our stays at home with my wife 24-7. Instead of her seating at home, I told my wife that we should find a place for her to learn how to become a tailor. My wife said after 41 days, we can find a place for her to learn. Since this girl came to live with us, I have never entered her room and she is always in her room. Her room is ensuite and she has a TV and DSTV in it.
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A week after later, at around 11 pm, I was in the bedroom when I heard my wife speaking very loudly. I was scared. I rushed to ask my wife to find out what happened but she could not talk very well. She then said she heard a strange voice in our house and she tried following the direction of the voice and found out that it was coming from our house girl’s room. Then she opened the door to find our house help in with a towel while a male’s trousers and underwear were lying on the ground. My wife asked her who the owner was and she couldn’t answer.
Then my wife opened the toilet door to find and a fully grown man, naked.
To cut the story short, I called a friend who lives close by, so we drove him down to the police station around 12 midnight. At the station, he revealed he has been sleeping in my house for the past 2 weeks and I asked, “how come?” He said he used to sneak in around 7.30 pm, she opens the door for him to leave at 4.30 a.m.
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I am sharing this so that couples can learn to help each other with house chores instead of employing someone. What if this guy impregnates this girl who stays indoors all day? What did you think would have happened to me and my marriage?