Are There Such Women As This Twitter User, @TrixieNumba9, Who Just Have No Desire To Birth Kids?

A Twitter user has started a debate on the platform after she disclosed that she had her Fallopian tubes removed, then explained why she’s not interested in having children. @TrixieNumba9 told of the challenges she faced from medical personnel when trying to get her Fallopian tubes removed.
She said they thought it was unusual for a young unmarried woman who has never had kids to want to take such drastic measure, but she insists she had her reasons and that they are valid.
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According to her, medical personnel tried to discourage her by telling her she might change her mind or may meet a man who she will want to have kids with but she didn’t budge. With each difficulty she met, she was more determined to try harder to have her Fallopian tubes removed.
She insisted to each medical personnel she met that she knows she’ll never change her mind come what may because she never wants to have kids. When asked who will take care of her when she’s old, she said it’s selfish to have children just so they can care for you in old age.
She explained that she’s known since she was 16 that she never wants a child and that having one will make her miserable. On May 23, 2019, she finally got what she wanted.
Read her full post below:
“On May 23rd, 2019, I got my Fallopian tubes removed & started my child free lifestyle journey.”
It took 6 attempts to get approval. The 5 male doctors turned me down because I was under 30, childless, single & never experienced a pregnancy It was very difficult for me emotionally and mentally. I even stopped being sexually active for 450 days because I was on a mission
Dr. Grace Banner spoke w/ me about the cons of the procedure & asked me questions. I was very knowledgeable and I think that surprised her lmao. I was approved on April 1st, 2019. I was turning 27 on April 24th & was scheduled for May 23rd, so I could enjoy my bday
Questions I’ve been receiving: How old are you? – 28 What if you change your mind? – I won’t Will you adopt? – No What if you meet a nice man? – I tell men upfront that I’m never having kids, his move Why don’t you want children? – They don’t compliment my lifestyle
When did you realize you didn’t want to be a mom? – I’ve known since I was 16 lol. I had a running joke “ima get my tubes tied before 30” all through HS & look what happened
Who will take care of you when you’re older? – Myself or a nice facility. If you think your kids are obligated to take care of you, pls don’t have them. What if you regret it? -Only thing I would regret is living a mediocre life tbh Do you want to get married? – No
You don’t think it’s selfish? – I honestly don’t care what ppl think cause this is my uterus and my life. God gave every woman her own uterus, why are you minding mine? You’re not scared of ending up alone? – What?, you can end up “alone” even if you have kids lol.
What if the man you’re seeing changes his mind? – That’s his L to take cause I’m not changing my mind for him tbh You ever had an abortion? – I’ve never been pregnant in my life and I am 28. If I fell ill with the “pregnant” I was def getting an abortion tho
You don’t want just one? -Everyone that’s pressuring me with the “just one” rule won’t lift a finger to help me with a baby (I didn’t even want). You’re not going to force me to ruin my life so YOU can feel more comfortable around me
Why are you so vocal about this? – Childfree black women exist & there is space for everyone but us. We’re silenced or placed of the back burner
Why aren’t more black women vocal about being childfree – It’s a taboo topic in the community tbh. We’re told “you’ll change ya mind” & “wait until you meet a nice man”. Why would having a man force me to change my mind?
If I had a baby right now, I’d probably be miserable as hell and I’m not over exaggerating lmao)
Follow her original thread here:
Her revelation led to a debate as some said it’s the right thing to do when you know you never want a child, instead of getting pregnant and aborting the child. Others told her that it was selfish to not want to have children.
Surprisingly also, many women identified with her unusual disposition towards bearing children. Her tweets have now gone viral with over 150k interactions.
@TrixieNumba9 insists that there are other women like her who do not want kids but are shamed into having them because of people’s opinions.