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‘Share The Chores With Her’ – Nasarawa Prince Advises Fellow Men As He Talks On What Makes A Happy Marriage

‘Share The Chores With Her’ – Nasarawa Prince Advises Fellow Men As He Talks On What Makes A Happy Marriage

Prince Shehu Kasim Yamusa II, the son of the 15th Emir of Keffi, has urged men to help their wives with house chores.

According to him, marriage is supposed to be a union of happiness and not a war zone.

Citing himself as an example, he stated that he assists his wife in cooking, doing dishes and even go as far as washing her clothes.

He went further to advise his fellow men to not follow policies that work for other people’s marriages as it might not work for theirs.

Below is his admonitions to men….

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“My Lafia, people your wife is not your slave; share some household duties with her. Leave people alone and stop forcing your policies on them.

What works for you might not work for them; don’t try to make people live like you unless it’s to make them better.

Marriage is a union of happiness. Make your home a playground, not a war zone.

Share the chores; don’t call her a weaker vessel and still give her all the hard work to do. (I can help my wife cook, wash her clothes, wash dishes, sweep and mop our house, and even cut vegetables for her.)

See Also

May God Almighty give us wisdom and understanding on how to go about our relationships and marriages. Ameen.”

ALSO READ: Actor, ‘Yemi My Lover’ On His Fatherhood Journey And Family Values: ‘How Can I Be Helping My Wife With Chores? For What?’

See screenshot of his post below;

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