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Nigerians Come Hard On Man After Sharing What He Wants In A Woman, Using His Elder Brother’s Pregnant Wife As An Example

Nigerians Come Hard On Man After Sharing What He Wants In A Woman, Using His Elder Brother’s Pregnant Wife As An Example

A single man has come under fire after revealing the kind of woman he wants.

The young man shared a video which is currently been circulated on all social platforms, of his elder brother sitting down while his heavily pregnant wife brought his food, went on her knees, and placed the meal on a low table.

The wife then poured him water to drink. When it was time to stand, the pregnant woman is seen struggling to stand on her own, while her husband focused attentively on his phone.

Neither her husband, nor his younger brother who was filming her, tried to assist her in getting up.

“This is exactly what I said I want in my woman,” the man filming says.

“This is my elder brother’s wife, pregnant, you see?” he added for emphasis.

He continued: “My elder brother’s wife. Understood? Thank you.”

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In the caption, he wrote:


“#love #respect #humility.”

Below are some reactions from Nigerians…

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@Richmond Eloka:

Him and his family are evil. How can a man sit down like a god and watch a heavily pregnant woman kneel down to give him food. U na no be good family at all. Thank goodness he showed his face ladies run. This is a very bad family. They want slaves not wives.


You are very stupid! You should go and get a maid instead. How can he allow her kneel with dat pregnancy 😲….he is insensitive….respect is not synonymous to slavery…..dropping dat tray of food without kneeling doesn’t mean she isn’t respectful or loving….ur wife is ur lover and partner….not a maid!


God forbid this kind of wicked slave driver of a husband. They will kill your personality and self esteem and still show you premium shege on top. Marry such man to your detriment. This na red flag. And remember, I told you so.😉


You can tell the elder brother will be a very wicked man from looking at that his strong face. May our children and family members paths not cross with wicked and evil people like these ones.


If you’re looking for a slave, simply say so. This video is just so disgusting to watch. All in the name of marriage. This type of man would never even make breakfast in bed.


This man uploading this video shows that he is stupid and doesn’t have respect for his brothers wife and the brother is not helping matters. What stops you going to the kitchen and help yourself after your wife has prepared the food, seeing her condition.

Me and my wife have been married for almost 20yrs now. I can count how many times she has set food for me, she always prepare the food for the family and I will go to the kitchen and help myself upon I am the one providing the money.

See Also

Your wife is not a slave, you should help her even though she not complaining. Marriage is friendship and love not dragging positions for men who understands. It’s not a sign of a defected man. Love is give and take.


Believe me, it’s usually women like this that end up engaging in extra marital affairs. She’s been deprived of her self worth and esteem in her own marriage.

The moment she meets any man that flatters her, and tells her sweet words to compliment her, she’s finished. No woman enjoys being abused in any way or form. This is not a sign of love. It’s a sign of emotional capture.


Any man that expects anyone to kneel down and serve him doesn’t deserve a happy home! I said what I said! If you have a problem with this tweet it means you’re a man like that so you already know what you deserve.


You and your elder brother, àshire ni yin. That beautiful lady was in pain and trying to get up from her kneels. Ha


You and your elder brother nor well I swear… What about if she falls down in the process of kneeling down or while trying to stand up and it happens otherwise? This are the kind of people that enslaves women..


You are looking for a woman to enslave bah? See this way that woman is in pain and that’s what you want instead of correcting your brother. May God have mercy on both of you

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