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Celebrity Mum, Esther Ene Addresses Parents As She Highlights Some Moral Values They Should Teach Their Children As School Resumes

Celebrity Mum, Esther Ene Addresses Parents As She Highlights Some Moral Values They Should Teach Their Children As School Resumes

Nollywood movie star, Esther Ene Ojire has sent a message to parents ahead of school resumption.

As part of efforts to end bullying in school, the mother of one took to Instagram to share some basic morals she thinks parents should teach their children before they resume back to school.

In her long post, the actress, who doubles as a clothing brand owner, encouraged parents to discuss with their kids that it is wrong to mock their fellow classmates or anyone for any reason.

According to Esther, parents need to let their wards know that it’s okay to wear the same shoes or clothes every day and not to leave anyone out for being different, and also tell them that bullying is harmful.

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Ene wrote;

”School is almost starting and some started already. I want to ask you a favour… Sit with your child /children for 5 minutes and explain that there’s never a reason to make fun of anyone for their height, their weight, their skin tone, their accent, their home life or the things they enjoy or even how their performance in school is.

Explain to them that there’s nothing wrong with wearing the same shoes or wearing one cloth every day.

Explain to them that a used backpack carries the same dreams as a new one.

Teach them not to exclude anyone for “being different”

Explain to them that teasing and b****ying hurts and that school is for going to

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LEARN, NOT to compete or spread negativity.

Remind them some kids don’t go home to loving families so it’s important to be kind at all times.

It all starts at home!”

ALSO SEE: Dowen College Saga: Expert, School Owner Proffer Measures Schools, Parents Can Prevent Or Check Bullying

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