SA Single Moms Narrate Heart Wrenching Stories About How They Told Their Baby Daddies About Their Pregnancies & Their Heartbreaking Responses

A Twitter user @TheeeAnswer asked single mothers in South Africa to share their stories about how they told their baby daddies about their pregnancies and the responses they got. Many women who participated had very heart wrenching tales to share.
Before sharing the replies with you, a recent study in South Africa shows that the population of deadbeat fathers in South Africa is as high as over 60%.
According to Stats SA’s August 2018 report, South Africa has one of the highest rates of absent fathers in sub-Saharan Africa and according to released figures, of 897 750 registered births in the country in 2017, 62% had no father’s details.
It is increasingly common to see men flee, when they get the news of their girlfriend’s pregnancy; but it becomes distressing when close to half of the population of a country have fathers who do not want to recognize them.
Many men participate willingly in the act of baby-making, but chicken out when the baby finally comes and it’s time to shoulder the responsibilities. This leaves the woman to bear the brunt of it all. It doesn’t end there. After the woman has suffered to raise the child all by herself, the man and his family will show up from nowhere to lay claims to the child.
Of course, this case can also be flipped. We have loads of deadbeat mothers too. But today, it’s all about runaway fathers and painful stories of these South African women.
Hopefully, this discussion would give you an insight into what women go through when pregnant and also encourage men to do better.
You can also join in the conversation if you have any experience or stories to tell.
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A runaway dad
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Read more stories Here.
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