Over Competitive Mum or Dad: 12 Signs That You Are One

Every parent has some form of competitive streak in them. However, if you do not want to hand down faulty values to your child and also destroy their self esteem, then you might want to asses your competitiveness. You are definitely over competitive if you…
1. cannot bear to see your child losing. Winning is extremely important to you that you seek for winning opportunities in every facets of life, from playing with their friends to real competitions.
2. teach your child to bend the rules. You ask your child to cheat in order to pass exams.
3. overrate your child’s performance. You tell everyone that your baby started walking at 6 months and could speak coherently at 12 months.
4. constantly compare your child with others. You keep comparing your child’s performance with those of your friend’s children.
5. secretly hire coaches, tutors or other professionals to give their child and edge BUT not share the information with others. Often they will instruct their child to keep it a secret.
6. quiz other parents for information about their kids and the use it compare their under-performing child with your overachieving child. That’s crass!
7. equip your kids with all the latest gadgets and electronics, even when you cannot easily afford them.
8. enroll their kids into expensive schools they cannot really afford. Their kids are usually sent out of classes due to non-payment of fees.
9. can lie to promote your child’s achievements.
10. under the guise of friendship, as a technique used to measure their own child’s standing, you ask another parent how her daughter, Bonny performed in the Numeracy test last week. You know this is true because you have no real interest in Bonny’s performance.
11. when the end result is more important to you than the process. You really do not care if your child’s swimming technique is right as long as she wins.
12. get disappointed because your child scores A instead of an A+.
Hmmmm! Am forever grateful to God for the woman He made me.
I have seen parents like this and I just smh @ them. I know two mums that should read this. Thanks MIM for sharing.
So so true! This is interesting. Thanks MIM for the enlightenment. I hope it help our mummy and daddy.
Very correct…i know a lot of parent that does exactly this
God help me because it seems like my own problem is i want to provide all she needs,since am d one doing it alone,so i want her to be happy. God help me not to spoil that girl
Tnx MISM 4 sharing, dat no 2 is so common, my kids don’t walk till they r 1year. Hmmmmmm they won’t allow me 2 rest ooo, some will even tell me their kids walked @ 6months, i’ll just be wondering—.
We’re all guilty one way or another, there’s no perfect parents anywhere. Thanks MIM, for this enlightenment, we will make amends where necessary.
So true..I hope MIM fans get to read this.
Hmmm. I have a friend that said to me that her daughter of 17 months can climb up n down d staircase. Then I watched her closely one day wen d baby was crying for help down d stairs and I threw her word back to her and she was disappointed. She always overrates her baby and she kept disappointing her.
So true best article ever
Thanks MIM, I hope all parents get to read this.
its in 95% of women
I think I know better
Hahaha this is true tnkx MIM for sharing
So so true tnkx MIM for sharing
so damn true.lol
None of my kids walked before 1 lol. …anyway am no where close to that and thank God I don’t have friends like that
Good information. Most of us do atleast 1 of these things without knowing