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BUSY MUMS: 6 Ways to Make Your Child Feel Special Every Day

BUSY MUMS: 6 Ways to Make Your Child Feel Special Every Day

With a busy work schedule and long list of tasks to keep the home running, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of the little things that reassure our children that they are loved and appreciated. Even if there’s hardly time, especially during the weekdays, to bond, here are little but significant ways to let them know mummy really cares.

1. Always tell them how much you love them before you leave home for work. Children feel very important and special when you tell them how much you love them despite your busy schedule. Even when you are not there with them physically, it will always be on their minds that, ‘Mum loves us, even though she is not here with us right now.’

2. Hug them before you leave for work and before going to bed. No matter how busy you are, create time for a hug before you leave in the morning and another before they retire to bed. Sometimes, a simple hug clears their head off the quality time you are not spending with them, lifts their spirits and makes them feel special.

READ ALSO: BUSY MUMS: Little But Significant Ways to Show Your Child Love Every Day

3. Create time for family meetings. Holding a fifteen to thirty minute family meeting every week is not too much as it will help you interact better with your kids. You get to know what they are going through, their challenges and strengths. Kids feel very special when they are given listening ears and taken seriously.

4. Be connected to your kids during the day. This is what my mum used to do when she was still working. Then, GSM wasnā€™t as common as it is now but she would put a call through to speak with us through one of our neighbours. That alone gave us the comfort that we were not alone. Stay connected with your children through phone calls, text messages, Skype, and so on.

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For their school events, if neither you nor your spouse will be available, you can send a relative whom they are very familiar with that would be available. Request for the event to be filmed so you can all watch later.

5. Create time. Despite your busy schedule, create quality time for the whole family to bond. Weekends are perfect for this. You can have a family night out or go watch movies or play games. You can also create fun activities or ask your kids to suggest activities they’ll prefer. While at it, avoid talking about work, chatting with your friends or checking your phone. Focus on your kids!

6. Create a solid support system. Whether you have a nanny or not, make sure to have a circle of trusted friends and family you can always choose from to be with your children in your absence for added care and supervision.

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