Actress, Toni Tones Has This To Say About The Steady De-stigmatization Of Divorced Women

Toni Tones says this new confidence that women have and the de-stigmatization of divorce is one of the best things, ever, to happen to women.
Divorce is one unpleasant outcome out of the many possible outcomes (good/bad ) for any marriage, but when it does happen, there is the stigma that comes with it, especially for women. To free themselves from this stigma and social judgments, many women become frantic, trying to work their way into another marriage, so they can be socially acceptable again. In recent times, all of that appears to be changing; women are holding up their heads against the stigma of divorce and now, actress/speaker,
Like Tones, many more people now agree that there’s nothing noble in remaining in a bad marriage, because again, one person, however, noble their intentions cannot, singlehandedly, decide the fate of their marriage.
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The actress, who has never been married herself, expressed in her Twitter post that ‘forever’ is definitely the goal for many couples, but then people change and you find out that forever may just not be a workable idea.
Here’s what she wrote:
Unpopular opinion but the steady destigmatization of divorce is one of the best things to happen to women. When I was younger, I was sure divorce wouldn’t be an option for me if I got married. But with age I like the fact women (and men) can set themselves free of bad marriages.
‘Forever’ would be nice, and it’s most people’s preference when they get married. But partners don’t always keep the same energy, respect level or devotion forever. People can change, people can cheat, people can become abusive with time. Hence why divorce as an option is good.
See the original post: