Dear MIMsters: My Colleagues Say A Mum Who Delivers Her Baby Via C-S Is A Disgrace To Womanhood

Who can enlighten this single fan whose colleagues think a mum who had her baby through a C-Section is a disgrace to womanhood? How would you know a woman who has fibroid? How do you know a woman will only give birth through CS?
How can a man know a woman is carrying fibroid without the woman’s consent?
These things make me scared sometimes. My colleagues and I discussed this yesterday afternoon during our lunch break, and most of them were saying they can’t spend their thousands to marry a woman, take care of her, and still pay for her baby to be delivered for her (C-S).
READ ALSO:Dear MIMsters: Is This Woman I Call Mum Really My Biological Mother?
To me it never made any sense, but I am beginning to look deep into the whole thing. Paradoxically, I am beginning to doubts its false grounds. They added that such a girl is not better than a pregnant man, which can still make babies too that such girls are disgrace to womanhood. They said their reason for life ain’t accomplished and that they are the products of end time. They said God said through pains shall a woman deliver and not through CS, and any woman who can’t deliver is against God’s words.
Finally they said that a girl who falls down when slapped by a man, a girl who can’t ride bicycles and a girl who can’t make pounded Yam are examples of girls that can only give birth through CS, after considering the price of having a good CS, I began to queue into their belief.
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I am doing so very fine, so, the next thing on my mind now is getting married, although am not into a serious relationship yet.
Apart from loving the woman, these things bother me too. I never agreed with them, but I had no reason not to believe them, so I need serious and convincing answers on my above questions.
Pure myth nawah where did dat originated frm? My dear pls dnt let dem confuse/deceive u wt deir baseless fact
This almost made my eyes pop out of their sockets.l dnt even know which of ur questions 2 reply.Delivering a baby through CS is God’s wisdom in human(doctors)to save both mum n baby.There are so many reasons why doctors opt 4 CS.I would have expected u to ask why women go through CS.All d same,safe delivery is mum n baby alive irrrspective of d mode of delivery.
Those things are not true o. and regarding the C-S, some women cannot give birth naturally, so the only option they have is CS. sometimes CS is done to save the life of either the baby or mother or both at times.
i wish i cud see those friends of urs so that i can give each one of them a resounding slap across their faces. Gush im so angry n i read ds with shock, dont ever believe them poster. Dey are d product of endtime themselves. Shud a woman who cant give birth naturally due to some complications or ill health be allowed to die? There’s nothing wrong with cs dear poster.
I wish I can see them I will kill them for this disgusting rubbish that is coming out there fucking mouths.
Don’t mind the person who said that to you. I don’t just know how people reason
Where did they even get all this from? Honestly I was laughing while reading cos it doesn’t make any sense. So, are they trying to tell me that if their wives has any medical condition n can’t deliver tru vigina birth, they will leave the woman to die? Even science does not have any prove on this one.
Pls u don’t keep company with such people cos they will spoil ur mind they are 1001 reason why a woman give birth 2ru CS its either the woman has a small pelvic that the baby can pass 2ru or if d mother is an HIV patient or if d woman has fibriod d reason is plenty . Those ur friends their wives might end up giving birth 2ru CS they shuld be mindfull of wat they wen I gave birth VIA CS my husband friend said GOD forbid dat his wife will never give birth via CS dat doctors of nowadays like CS so dat they will gain more money as GOD may ve it wen his wife was in labour they found out dat d baby was too big and d wifes pelvic was small to carry d baby doctors told him dis is an emergency CS for where he no gree oh he said d wife must push it was d intervention of my husband dat made him sign d papers but it was too late d baby die due to over stressed labour so who losse they are still mourning d death of their baby while my baby who I gave birth VIa CS is bubblin and full of life
And dy would end up paying 4 same CS bringing out a dead baby smh, penny wise pounds foolish.
My heart beat for does ur friends. N dey have d gods to call God’s name in dis dere nonsense talk. U see any woman dat man guys or ladies like does ur friends re ready to die b4 dere time. May God 4give dem for sayin all dis from dere mouth
So a woman should die during child birth becos d hubby will not appovel of CS. Well let me stop here cos am so pissed. Which i could just see does uneducated friends of urs n hold dere neck to d wall. For sayin all dis about a woman
Been hearing this before now. It’s just crazy
I don’t even know how to address this nonsense from ur friends but all I can say is that u better distance urself from those things b4 u start thinking like them & that’s d worse thing that can happen to u cos ur marriage is already broken b4 u r getting married. Forget those ones o they r the ones that wl wash a woman’s undies & come outside& boast they won’t wash their boxers.& help me tell them they can as well employ slaves cos no sane woman wl marry a man wt such stupid ideology
I have nothing to say to u Mrs poster
Ignorance is this age and time?God open their did not go through them.this is BH.
Either tur cs or natural, d most important thing is dat both mother n child ar ok. Those ur friends need their head examine.
Reading this makes me want to cry…I am a product of two CS…do you know what it takes to do CS, do you think any woman is happy to go under the blade just to safe the life of her baby and hers..its a matter of life and death and God almighty gave the doctors the knowledge for CS…very woman that has gone through CS will tell you that how they wish they have gone through natural know why? because immediately the baby comes out, the pain ends…but this is not the case for cs mums…we have to nurse the wound for long…the excruciating pain alone is not what you and your friends want to imagine….a good example…think of when you were young and step on a you know how much pain you experience….that is a tip of the ice berg for a cs mum…the pain is so much that she would be vibrating all over…she is in pains inside outside….she cannot walk properly…please this is a very sensitive issue and you and your friends should not take it likely…I pray that God will open your eyes to see what goes on when a woman has cs…its a major surgery that can take life at any time..
That was back then when people were still living in the dark, not anymore.
Ignorance,chai I pity ur level of tinkin nd also dat of ur frnds,may God see I tru
What rubbish..please don’t listen that your friend or what..its an honour and achievement..the main thing is for the mother and child to be fine and good
Things people take for granted. Would it have been better for a woman and her baby to pass away due to maternal distress or save them to be alive through CS. Some women even opt for CS. Some people speak out of ignorance.
it is one thing to b able to impregnate a woman, it is another kettle of fish to accept responsibility for the wellbeing of both the mother and the child. please do not get married, like your friends, carry your babies yourselves since that is possible. Better run for your dear life and leave the company of such fools!
Why do u keep idel peopl as friends,pls discard them before they lead u astray.gush i cant believe i jst read this .they are so ignoramous
All the points given by your friends are so uneducative,senseless,immature,dumb…that I won’t grace this with any other answer
Did you say colleagues, where do you work please I’d like to know? I can’t find a suitable word to describe your colleagues, primive? Ignorant? So if a woman has medical complications and can’t give birth naturally she should still try till she ends up dead or the baby dies and she’ll still have CS to bring out the dead baby. I’m sure you are an educated man pls don’t let primitive people drag you to their level. This is total rubbish
This is the most insane thing I have ever heard!!! As long as the baby comes out ok, that’s all that matters.
My dear,dont mind those friends of your,if you want 2 have a peaceful relationship with your spouse whenever you are married,i advice you stay away with this kinda friends. Iam a living Testimony….i dont have Fibroid nor thight cevics,i can pound yam n other bla bla your friends mentioned but i gave birth 2 my four children 2ru CS. They are all alife n healthy n iam 2. I had placenta previa which developed 2wards d end of my 1st n 2nd pregnancy,should d Dr have allowed me 2 die inorder 4 me nt 2 be a disgrace 2 womanhood?the subsiquent ones,my loving husband didnt want 2 take chances,he personally told d Dr 2 conduct CS 2 save n his Children. Pls my dear,dont buy their idea….God bless you.
Its been long those your friends took their drugs.please remind them so that they can think like humans again.
Lolz you work with cavemen! Jokes apart I have heard some silly women make such stupid extremely dull statements I even have a friend like that. Mscheeww
I don’t even knw wat to say..! Dis is nonsense. Pls stay away frm those yeye frnds of urs.
It is never like that Mr. Poster, everything in this life is all about destiny. Sometimes it is not even through lineage that is why you see someone having difficulty in child bearing while her mother must have had a whole lot of them without any problem.
Fibroid, CS-Delivery is not anyone’s making but comes as a result of fate and destiny.
So I will advise you to start praying for your would-be wife by asking God to grant you all you desire in her. I am sure He will grant your prayer because every perfect gift comes from God.
Meanwhile, stay away from confusion-creating type of friends less they misguide you with their make up stories as they are baseless.
I will hit whoever say that to me..
Pain is pain, either CS or through vagina, you will also feel pains. Please do not let them deceive you. They are only ignorant.
For some people is a final resort,let me cite an example for you, a woman had her 3girls through normal delivery,when God finally decide to bless her with a son,it happens that the scan showed she had placenta previa which is not her fault,the placenta was blocking her uterus where the baby will comeout through for normal delivery,an so she was advice to give birth through cs,which she did&today she has her baby boy&she is in good health!for some people when the doctor finds out that it will b dangerous for them to have their babies normally they are advice to go through cs to save the baby&mum!some people even prefer going through cs without any issue!To me cs is another solution &way of making sure the mum &baby are safe at the end of the day &we should all be grateful for that because without it most people will end up loosing their babies, after nine months of carrying them!your friends are really not exposed, they are subjective people who need to be educated!
False false false I pray that God will give those friends of urs wisdom b4 it’s too late
I’m sorry but i have to say U’re beginning to sound as stupid as your colleagues. Who told u guys that CS is fun? Do u let ur wife or sister die or put them in great danger when u have the option of saving them. Its a shame that with the level of enlightenment available people still have myopic views about issues that border on life and death.
Very sad! My people perish for lack of knowledge.
Verily I say unto you those friends of yours would have there desires…… Tell them to be careful what they wish for. It’s a pity you spend your time with loafers than normal people……. You better run from them before your wedding so they don’t make it a living hell….. They don’t even know if they I’ll ever be fathers instead they are fighting over Cs….. Fish brains
I was so furious @ first,bur I understand u need some enlightenment,firstly in those days mothers faced a lot of things during childbirth ranging from foetal death to abnormalitY even to maternal death,I can boldly tell u dat wit dis era of CS maternal death has reduced to 2 in 1000birth,ONE sHOULD NOT DIE WHILE TRYING TO BRING LIFE!! Secondly everytin around us is not normal anymore,d food we eat is processed wit chemicals even d so called FRESH,d air we breath is adultrated by toxins,fumes everywhr,there is notin NORMAL again!!! All we av is IDEAL,is it normal for a woman or child to die durin childbirth,yes it is! Bur is it IDEAL, No! Bcos somtin can be done! Not giving a chance for such thing is barbaric,women those days don’t work long hours.lastly most causes of CS is baby related,baby lying across,presenting wit buttock instead of head,low lying placenta,if a procedure is to b done to allow u carry ur child why will u object to happiness,d comedian(seyi law) dat lost his child will Sign hundreds of paper jst to be wit his daughter!! Ur colleagues passed thru sch bur sch didn’t pass thru THEM……………….
Story for the gods. Please if it’s advisable from the doctor that your condition requires CS, please go ahead for your safety and that of your child
Oh gosh! I cnt believe dis. Its so annoying even reading d post. I jst cnt believe dis. Pls poster disengage urslf from dose friend of urs b4 its 2 late. They really nid serious enlightenment
i really dont care what anyone thinks. i had a triplet pregnancy n i delivered thru CS. even if it wld hv bn one baby i wld still hv gone for CS…doesnt make me any less of a woman. i carried the pregnancy till term. those friends of urs shld b teleported back to the stone age.. nway, am cool…everyone is entitled to their own opinion… xoxo
It is God that gave doctors the knowledge to do Cs, so there is nothing wrong with it.
Your colleagues?Pls where do you guys work?Because i’ve never seen this level of ignorance.Pls tell your colleagues to come to the 21st century,we are waiting for them.If only you guys know how much pain I went through during my own.Some don’t even know that CS is a major surgery.Mtcheew
Those ur friends are crazy, it is their type that will kill their wives. Kai, I pity any woman dat settle with such men. Who says CS is not painful?
Irrespective of d delivery, mum and child are doing well
This is the height of ignorance. Please disregard everything that was said. They are not true.
Unbelievable! Pls, in which ancient cave did this conversation take place? Pls, let the men busy with manly issues and leave maternity issues for the women to worry about! If u want to get educated on delivery issues talk to a modern gynecologist/obstetrician. As for those ur stone age colleagues, they should continue wearing animal skin as clothes, and marry a female monkey when they are ready to hv children. A female monkey won’t hv CS, or fall down when slapped, and so on. Crazy misogynists!
I really hope this friends of urs have NEVER taken paracetamol for a headache cuz dsame thing.When u need help medically in anyway,u get dat help or die for nothn.I assure u that u wont mind d cost when it comes to ur life in danger.
Strange question
U n those ur friends r fools, I pity d girls dat will marry dis ones as husbands, dis r d type of foolish men dat will rather allow their wife n unborn child 2 die in theater dan 2 pay 4 CS.
May thunder fire that mouth that said this is he or God?
Your mates are sending their wives abroad to give birth with epidural and you are here crying about cost of CS. I simply detest broke men!
Most of what I want to say has already been said here. Nevertheless, I have to say that your friends are very ignorant and crass and are not bothered about trying to bring others down to their low level.
Please don’t mind their false myths.
If you can’t disabuse their minds then find other friends.
I have seen women who refuse to do C section when needed. Hospital staff will be begging them but no! Maybe fear, religious sentiment or the need to impress any ignoramus. Some die. What one does not spend on Caesarian section will be spent on burial rites (How much is a coffin or casket?)
And then the man will still remarry. I’ve seen it happen severally.
Sad situation. Don’t ever be a part of this.
I don talk my own.
When you a single lady is comfortable around men saying a woman that falls down when slapped is a weakling I feel more sorry for you than the clowns you call friends