Woman, 45, Sentenced to Death By Stoning For Committing Adultery in Saudi Arabia

Sri Lanka has reportedly appealed to Saudi Arabia to pardon one of its citizens, a married 45-year-old maid in Riyadh who was convicted by a Sharia court in August, 2013 and sentenced to death by stoning after admitting adultery.
Her partner, also a Sri Lankan, was given 100 lashes as he was single.
Foreign Employment Bureau spokesman Upul Deshapriya said: “The appeal is going on. The foreign ministry is in negotiation with the Saudis.” Saudi officials however did not comment.
According to Mirror UK, the oil producing country which follows Sharia, or Islamic law, is often criticised by human rights groups for the wide range of crimes such as adultery, drug smuggling and witchcraft which carry the death penalty.
Stoning, a form of execution where a group throws stones at a person buried waist or chest deep in the ground until they are dead, is still carried out in parts of the Muslim world.
In 2013, Saudi Arabia beheaded a young Sri Lankan housemaid for the killing of an infant left in her care, rejecting repeated appeals by Colombo against her death sentence.
Thousands travel to the Middle East yearly to seek jobs as maids or drivers.
Hnmmmm let him:her whose without sin cast the first stone
So na the woman good to die abi? This is crazy.
Saudi Arabia kwa? as if they dont do,because God neva open dem nyash too
Na wa o
this law is bad o
Can you imagine? So the woman should die and the man can live? Double standards Mtscheew.
Women will always take de blame sha. Wat of de man involved?
Nonsense!So the man is let off with just 100 lashes and the woman dies?smh
Which kian rubbish law be that
But the man got only a few lashes of cane it’s the woman that is getting stoned to death… what a judgement!
Oh my God! What a judgement
For ur information the woman is married and her offence is adultery but the man is unmarried and his offense is fornication that is why They only caned assuming hew is married he is suppose to be stoned to death according to the sharia law.
useless people.did she do it alone
What kinda useless sharia law is that, this is wickedness against women.